i n v o c a t i o n o f R O I K A X U L -- author unknown The area of working should include facilities for branding of the Main Operator with a self-made "poker". Needed are a noose, pitchers of water, milk, and black tea or coffee. Knives should be worn by all participants. All participants repeat the following statement of intent: WE ARE GATHERED TO PROVIDE A GATE FOR ROIKAXUL (The legal name of the Main Operator--who says "I am here") IS HERE TO ASSUME THE POSITION! All participants circle the Main Operator (MO). Knives are drawn and the following is recited while the knives run over & around hir, "disecting" the one who will invoke ROIKAXUL. WE ARE THE SPIRITS OF EXTERNAL AUTHORITY DISSECTING, INSPECTING, AND CATAGORIZING EVERY ACTION, EVERY THOUGHT, EVERY NUANCE OF YOUR EXPRESSION This is repeated, with any variations on the theme that the participants are inspired to utter, while continuing the vivisection. The MO cries: I AM NOT ELIGIBLE FOR SUCH SCRUTINIES BY YOU! Laughing, the initiators pour the black liquid over the MO. The participants then paw at the MO, feigning praise & adulation with statements like "Yes, you're right", "Oh, you are sooooo confidant", and "Of course, you are beyond reproach"; mocking him, while slowly placing a noose about hir neck. The MO cries: I DON'T NEED YOUR APPROVAL OR PATRONAGE! Laughing, the initiators pull the MO to the ground by the rope and pour the milk over the MO. The hold on the noose released, the invocant stands & draws the sigil of ROIKAXUL upon hir mid-section, invoking as follows: I INVOKE THE SPIRIT OF ROIKAXUL A DREAM ENTERING FLESH PROVIDING MEDICINE TO AND THROUGH ONE VEHICLE ONCE UPON A TIME I AM ALIVE BY DE-VICE OF THE LIVING I AM DEAD TO THE DREAMLESS & SLEEPING NEW FLESH I AM CALLED BY MANY SO FEW ARE THEY THAT WAKE I AM THE WORM CREATING INVISIBLE TUNNELS OF SORCERY A DRAGON, YELLOW-GREEN BY DESIGN I AM THE SERPENT WHO OPENS THE EYES I AM A PEACOCK WITHOUT THE ONUS OF PRIDE ALTHOUGH I WEAR THE CLOAK OF SELF-LOVE, AUTONEMESIS, & PASSIONS UNDENIED I HOLD THE BANNER OF FEAR FROM WITHIN WHICH PURSUES ME NOT FAR BEHIND BY WILL ALONE MY LOVE FLOWS AND I AM CONSUMED BY WILL ALONE MY HATE BLOSSOMS AND DEVOURS ITS PREY All participants shout: GET THE FEAR AND BEAT THE FEAR! The MO continues: I AM ROIKAXUL! The recitation of the mantra "C'est un film d'espionage*" is begun with each participant linking hands moving widdershins, around the MO. With the spirit of ROIKAXUL manifested in the MO, s/he brands hirself. Water is poured over the MO as s/he says: THIS IS MY WILL! The conclusion to this ceremony is provided by the participants. Notes: *"It is a spy film" Pronounced: say-tuh(n) fil(m) des-pi-on-ah'shz RoikaXul=RX (the symbol is distorted Juppiter), medicine. ROIKA= the innermost identity (see Mitch Walker). The process of becoming, or unfolding, "secret" and forbidden identities. XUL= evil (Sumerian), as opposed to society's never-ending desire to consume and assimilate hetero-genic parts of itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: One element of initiation is lacking in whats outlined above, and that is the element of suprise. It's up to the *other* people involved in this rite to devise some way of twisting the rite while keeping in the spirit of it, and thus catch the one to be initiated off-guard.