c l o u d e y e -- author unknown Background Noise This rite is loosely based upon a belief found in Hawaiian legends. In these legends, it was said that the gods and sorcerers (kupua) possessed not one, but many bodies, and could transfer their essence between these bodies as circumstances warranted. Thus, there were tree bodies, human bodies, rainbow bodies, animal bodies and cloud bodies. One body could sometimes be shared by several kupua, and a single kupua might have several bodies of each type. Purpose The aim of this working is to transfer perception to another body - in this case, the cloud body. It can be thought of as an "out of one body and into another" experience. Materials Needed An open space, dry ice, passivity The Rite 0. Open by whatever means feels appropriate. 1. Set the dry ice in the center of the working area. 2. Participants circle deosil around the ice, chanting "Ka-ao-opua-loa" (the sharp-pointed living cloud). In the Hawaiin legends, this was the name of the kupua of the cloud people. 3. Circling and chanting continue for 10-15 minutes, at the end of which all sit down in a circle as close to the ice as possible. 4. All stare into the fog rising from the ice until tunnel vision sets in (the field of vision goes black except for the object focused upon). 5. At the moment that tunnel vision occurs, say: BER WOCEP WHEBONG (As below, so above) NEKOZY ONGO TENFEMET SOCAGI (The cloud is in my eye) KA-AO-OPUA LOA HATUNN DOUCK (Ka-ao-opua-loa carry my sight) 6. Participants begin spinning at increasing speed with eyes closed, all the while repeating "TENFEMET DOUCK" 7. When spinning is no longer possible, partcipants lie on their backs and open the eyes completely (no squinting) and focus on the first cloud they see. 8. All repeat: BER WHEBONG WOCEP (as above, so below) NEKOZY ONGO TENFEMET TRESLIX (my eye is in the cloud) XIQUAL TENFEMET-NEKOZY (phenomenize the cloud-eye) 9. Visualize a fog exactly like that rising from the dry ice leaving the eyes and rushing up to join with the clouds. Observe it entirely p assively, and with the inner voice repeat This self is Tenfemet-Douck, the cloud that sees. 10. When tunnel vision again sets in, close the eyes and open them again quickly. Look down over the terrain that passes below your cloud-eye. Note details if desired, but do not attempt to influence direction or speed of motion. All control of these should be l eft to the wind. 11. When you have achieved your desired results, switch out of the passive mode and attempt to influence direction or speed. Find yourself back in your human body lo oking up at the clouds. 12. Banish by laughter, and with other means if desired