NOTE #1... What is a Witch and what do they do? They usually look like everybody else. You can't see anything different, their jewelry which likely includes a pentacle, will be hidden. But if you are sensitive, you will 'feel' them; for they are in tune with Nature and emit energy or power. Now anybody can call themselves a Witch. But your true Witch, will strictly adhere to what is called the Rede. This Rede says: 'And it harm none, do what you will.' Now this means no harm to other people, no harm to other things, and the unstated but understood meaning: no harm to Self. Witches use magick also, and this is that natural intuitive ability that they exercise and perfect. Many of the tools they use, also aid this ability by helping the Psychic Mind to work with Natural Talent and Natural Energies for the purpose of change. And to a Witch, change means helping, healing, and living in harmony. They often won't even heal unless permission is granted, and the recipient understands what kind of help will be provided. Now it takes more than a book and a cloak to make a Witch. A practicing Witch is one who takes responsibility for their Conscious AND Unconscious actions. Because among those things that live a long time, Magick is one of them. It's no game to play nor an exercise in wishful thinking. It works! And like a chess game, one must plan well ahead, checking all avenues that spell or ritual might take. Thus knowing HOW magick works is essential. And one book, and a couple weeks reading doesn't cut the cake. Because Witches believe in reincarnation, they have a wide view of their world. They see the soul, a spark from the Divine; as inhabiting physical body after physical body. The purpose being to learn and perfect their Soul and its Divine Spark. No need have they for a mediator, for they themselves are their own Priest and Priestess. And between Self and the Divine, their is no barrier. They see the world and all aspects of it, as living life forces; not inert, not dead, and not our enemy to conquer. Rather a sibling spirit to live with. Another rule recognized, is the Threefold Law. Life is a Great Circle, and what thoughts and actions are sent out onto this Circle will at some time come back - THREEFOLD! But rather than negative thoughts coming back as punishment, they are considered corrections. Thus are studied for improvement, rather than resented; for we ourselves are to blame and are accountable for that we ourselves created. And just as negativity returns Threefold, so too does positive energies. The beginner Witch soon learns, that life becomes easier as they learn to send positive thoughts out, their lives become easier and richer. Spells aren't as necessary to aid themselves in problems because problems tend to not exist as much. The person feels at ease with themselves and their world, more at peace. May One Above All guide you on the Great Circle. NOTE #2 I often say that Magick is really a type of psychology because unlike the movies and TV shows, Magick isn't twitching your nose or snapping your fingers and things happen. It is a projection and bending of Natural Energies to produce needed changes. It starts with 'need' for change, and the 'emotion' that change is needed, and works because we have the 'knowledge' that it WILL work. A Witch willfully shifts consciousness, into a more attuned, psychic state; sometimes called Alpha State or Level. This then you see, is Mind Work. To aid the Psychic Mind, images and metaphors are called to Mind; rhyming words are used, and 'tools'. All aiding the Natural Power of the Witch's Psychic Mind, which need be exercised and honed to these abilities. Now some of these tools would be things like a Tarot Deck of cards, various crystals including a Crystal Sphere or Ball, a Wand, Candles, etc. I would add that I and many others try to discourage the use of the Ouiji Board. Now, another tool would be the aspects of our Lord and Lady. Beliefs differ, but speaking of the belief that there is one single God and one single Goddess; their various aspects then also help Psychic Mind. HOW? Suppose you are a music lover, then your Diety could be music aspects such as the Muses; Minerva who invented the flute; or Apollo. Perhaps you are a Moon lover then you could pick aspects of Luna or Selene. Gods and Goddesses of all cultures can be utilized. Most Witches feel an especial affinity for a Matron and Patron Goddess and God. These, like your Magick Name, are very personal and not widely shared knowledge. Magick is a very special part of Wicca. It improves our lives and helps us to help Mother Earth, with whom we cohabit. It is a Religious Practice. It is part of how we live throughout the turning of the Wheel of the Year, the participation and attuning to the changing Seasons. Just as some rituals recognize and are held during the Lunar Phases, so to are some held in conjunction with Solar Phases. Those astronomical events of Solstices and Equinoxes. Magick is not 'supernatural' but natural. And all of Nature is empowered with it. There is nothing mysterious about it nor is it from the Christian persona, Satan. It is direct action of energy set into motion. And its ultimate goal, as with all religeon; is the eventual perfection of Self, the Soul, the Divine Spark within us. And though many would call themselves Witch, or Wiccan...true Craftors of the Art work magick only for positive effects. (Of course, opinions differ.) They adhere to the Rede: An' it harm none, do what ye wilt. Meaning living trying to cause no harm to other people, no harm to other things, nor causing harm to Self. NOTE #3 Magick is a product of the Subconscious Mind. And the Subconscious works through Symbols. However, when dealing with 'symbols'; each person puts a different meaning to the same symbol. For example, one person sees a 'dog' as a companion; another as a feared animal; another sees it as an example of obedience. All are correct for the individual concerned. The mind is a wonderful tool, what the mind conceives it causes to exist. Once man thought about flying, eventual he was able to build the machines capable of flight. It is this exercise that allows people to put out candles, Astral Project; and 'Draw Down the Moon'. But to do these things the mind must learn to concentrate, to visualize. Must retain a thought or image so clear, without interruption; as to empower it. Thus Positive Thinking becomes a real necessity to the Wiccan. For in our NEED, we hold the thought; and while holding the thought we use EMOTION; and our KNOWLEDGE of Magick brings about its Creation. BUT if you cannot concentrate your need, the emotions falter, making the knowledge useless and without power. Then, you would have been better off never even having started your spell in the first place. A 'backfired' spell, is NO FUN! We are not a game, not a fad; we are responsible for our actions. Sometimes you see questions for 'a spell', perhaps for love or money or both. These are giveaway, beginner questions. A girl who wanted and got and acted upon a spell to make her 'irresistible' to the boys at school, got what she wanted...and was gang raped. A man whose wife was dying, spelled her not to die because he 'couldn't live without her'. She lived on in a coma her remaining days. A person spelled for money, and got it. Through a terrible accident and the insurance payment...hardly worth the 'price'. Those of us who are experienced in these things, feel we ourselves would share in the responsibility if we shared such spells. Thus we usually don't. I think you can understand why! Thus I hope to make you understand, that like all things, to practice Magick well, you must practice and use self control. And realize that your talents will vary from person to person. Where one person is good with the Tarot, another is with Runes. One uses candles, another crystals. Some will never learn to AP but they know who is calling on the phone when it rings. As long as you live, you should be learning. You should never get to a stage where you 'know it all'. No question is too stupid to be asked. NOTE #4... One of the first things, experienced Wiccans harp and nag the neophytes over is something called 'grounding' and 'centering'. It is also the thing many of these beginners will brag that they never do, that will drive the experienced right up the wall! So what is it? Why do it? What if a person doesn't do it? GROUNDING: When we shift Conscious Mind into Alpha for our magicking, we need a 'clean motor'. Before such activity, we want the channels clear of debris. So we 'ground' to clear out excess or negative energy that would interfere with our spell or ritual. THEN, afterwards, you ground once more, this to clear out what I call the 'ashes' of the fire (power). It clears and closes down the channels. It sends excess energy that is left unused back into Mother Earth, replenishing Her and clearing you of unhealthy leftovers. Remember, when ritual is performed energies are raised for use, they can NOT be left without purpose. Thus send them for the need needing changed, and anything left over - ground it. Have you ever had somebody yell at you, give you a dirty look, or write you a nasty note? Of course, we all have. Besides being rude, they are sending their negativity out and attaching it to you. Empowering you, so to speak; negatively. Here is a good time to ground, send that unwelcome energy safely away into the ground for neutralizing. Of course if your barriers are good, it would just reflect away; or you could 'give it back' to its owner. But I am speaking of grounding for now, in this note. What if you DON'T ground? Well, very likely you will get side effects such as: light headedness, faintness, headaches, physical illness like nausea or vomiting, mental discomfort. Other problems could involve high blood pressure and heart attack, moodiness, lethargy, easily angered or depressed. Even to the point your body couldn't fight disease off, because it was so weakened. CENTERED: is the act of Self finding its true balance and bringing all parts of your Psyche into harmony or attunement. It means your whole being finds its true identity, is happy with it, and thus secure. It means you can laugh off a person calling you names, because YOU know who you are and don't have to 'prove it' to anybody, not even Self. You are secure and content in being You. You acknowledge and except everything about you, positive and negative. And it's not as easy as it sounds... Well this advice is all well and good but HOW do you ground energy? THAT ANSWER, in my next note... NOTE #5... We were discussing grounding and clearing, what it is and why it's so important. Now, HOW TO GROUND... Ideally, you should be able to take a deep breath and drain the energy right down and out of you, as you breathe out. Few seem able to do this, and I think it's because they've not practiced this method, possibly not even been told about it. But anyway for the neophyte I have found that the simpliest method is the Tree Grounding. Go outside on grass or fresh turned Earth, and 'make like a tree', really! Instead of blood, you have sap, and your sap is the energy you want to drain and ground away. So visualize the sap running down your fingers and into your hands; from your hands down into your arms; down your arms into your body. The sap is draining from your head into your body. And draining from the top of your body down your 'trunk' and into your legs; and down your legs into your feet; and from your feet firmly planted on Mother Earth, the energy drains away safely neutralized. Breath strong and steady, visualizing the energy as it goes down your body. Another method would to simply go out and stretch out, lying on your yard and allow the energy to be absorbed away. During rituals, the Cakes and Ale part has a partial grounding purpose. Then the 'clearing' part is done before the Circle is 'broken. To get more complicated, in crystal magick two energies of positive & negative are dealt with. These need balanced or your system goes out of whack. Usually wearing a stone of the opposite energy is all that is needed. However, some stones are good 'grounders'. This include: Hematite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Onyx, and salt. I'm sure you've heard of cleansing things with Sea Salt or salt water, well besides purifying it also grounds. With some stones, you send your energy into the stone then clear it. If you are a 'rock hound', then likely you've enough stones and crystals to be automatically cleared. This is the main method I use, a house full of 'rocks', because otherwise I'd need to clear myself at least twice a day. Moonstone is not usually thought of but it's nice and gentle for the female person, and I'm told the 'gay' person. As always, experiment and see what works for YOU. Another easy grounding method is to take a shower. Running water clears energy, a hot tub would be nice or laying back in a mountain stream...THIS ONE is my favorite! And remember, I'm just talking from my own thoughts. The other Wiccans on this board can give you more methods if you need. NOTE #6... INITIATION. This is my Circle's, (and associates method; who want to Self Initiate.) method -- . 1) Read 'What Wicca Is:' note, which I post about the board. The purpose is to make sure you really know what you are getting into. That you're serious and really believe this path between Self and Divine. . 2) I ask, 'Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill-', and am answered (or should be)...'And it harm none, do what you will.' I ask, 'What is the meaning of these eight words?', and should be answered...'I harm no other person, nor any thing, nor cause myself harm in any way.' I then hand them a copy of my glossary and the long poetry version of the Rede, and also the Witches Creed. Both posted on P* from time to time. . 3) Create Sacred Space... Blessings Chant... and then I hand out copies of the Pledge and we read this all together. (Pledge posted on P* periodically.) Then we discuss it, if somebody has a question. And I, as Lady of my Circle solemnly declare 'I, Lady ---; of the Circle of Eight, proclaim ---, WITCH!' and together the Circle shouts - ' SO MOTE IT BE!' Then, we individually 'welcome' our new Craft Sister or Craft Brother, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I usually cry. . 4) raising, as if it needs it by this time!... the Simple Feast of tea & cookies... give thanks to our Matron & Patron... and open the Circle, and pass the 'kiss'. You can see this is easily adapted to an individual's needs. We are pretty informal and laugh a lot, sharing the latest jokes. . REMEMBER, we worship because we want to, NOT because of a need we HAVE to, or fear of what happens if we didn't. One of the Ladys once said - we celebrate at the drop of a hat! And this is true. If it's not fun, then you're doing something wrong - in MY opinion, please remember. . Note #7... One often reads notes to the effect, 'I've got some books, been reading these notes, now how do I start?' You START by STARTING. No sarcasm readers, just fact. Start listening to those inner 'hunches'; write down your dreams; pay attention to the wonderful natural world around us. And I don't mean listen as with your ears...but really LISTEN, with your HEART and your SOUL! Natural energies, or magick is always there for the person who wants to tap into it. You don't invoke it, or conjure it but dip into it like dipping your hand into a gentle stream. You stare at a full Moon, and it washes over you. And it can be found in your own backyard, so there's no excuse for not 'finding it'. Breathe deep, and you feel Air Magick. AIR. Unpredictable and changeable as the Winds that are part of Air Magick. Now when a person talks, like the weatherman; of an East Wind...they mean the wind is blowing FROM the East. And the East Wind is change; white colors; freshness and here where it blows off the Atlantic, cleansing and grounding; new life; intellect; and power. The South Wind, is fiery; and representative of the Fire Element; good for any spell; invigorating; yellow colors; just don't get burned! West Wind is fertile and beguiling; Ruler of Dusk and Dawn when all lies quiet; loving and healing; said to be good during Water Magicking; blue colors. And the there is North Wind, bringer of death but not so much physical death but that death of 'change'. Barren and 'cold', let North Wind blow away your troubles and cares, your negativity! Black colors are his; and a good time for Healing Magicks. To those who have followed my Crystal Magick notes, you will have lists of crystals that go well with Air/Wind Magick. Do you know that wind chimes, are Air Magick? And do you know that Candle Magick is FIRE Magick? And how many places keep an 'eternal flame'? Being near DC, Kennedy's tomb in Arlington Cemetery comes to mind. And how many churches and shrines also use candles, etc? From candle flame to smudge pots to balefires, Fire Magick is involved. Fire the Great Cleanser. And forget the trashy propaganda that often links it to sex orgies! Write a note with your wish and throw it in the fire; or a fault or problem, and let it be burned away. Stare into the flames and be mesmerized; scry; and remember past times of other lives. And BEWARE, lest you burn down the house! When using ANY kind of fire, keep pets away; curtains from blowing into the flame; or objects from falling in. Is the container fire proof? What if the container gets hot, is it sitting on something also fire proof? Cleanse yourself and objects in its smoke, let it release fragrances into the Air - but don't get careless! Walk with Wisdom... Note #8... WATER Magick, sustaining and life giving; deep and mysterious; cleansing. Many uses can be incorporated with what type of water you have: pond or lake; stream or well. There is water scrying, and dowsing. Empower a rock with your cares and throw it very hard out into a lake or ocean, to take your troubles with it. Lie in a swift running stream to ground, and cleanse Self. Wash your troubles away! And who hasn't used a 'Wishing Well'? A Diana Mirror: go on a Full Moon night, to a still pond or lake, that reflects the Moonlight. Invoke Luna, Selena, Diana or any other favorite Moon Goddess, and stare into the bright reflection upon the black waters. This is good for divining, scrying, meditation and other works in need of connecting to Psychic Self. The old saying, that evil can't cross running water is true. I prefer saying negativity, myself but running water does indeed purify, ground and neutralize. So THAT's why I often recommend a shower! By now, I'm sure you know that my New Age friends call me a Crystal Mage, especially if you've read through the Crystal Magick subject. My Ego Self likes the sound of that title bestowed respectfully, but I always add in my mind a laughing, French sounding 'Extradinaire', just like those old time traveling shows. Just to keep myself head from getting too swelled. But to the point...stones, crystals, gems, minerals, 'rocks' (a word I don't like!) - are all part of Natural or Earth or Crystal Magick. From grounders to healers to scrying tools; all types have their own characteristics and properties. Is there a anybody reading this who doesn't have an idea of their 'birthstone'? Not many, I think. I don't wish to get into this too much as I've already posted 7 notes on the subject. But would make this suggestion: build yourself a stone circle. Mine is outside, and made from stones gathered all across the country. It's also covered in a way so nobody would notice it. There in my Circle, do I meditate and refresh myself; grounding away cares, centering my Being, reflecting and thinking. Used so often that it emits power! But you can do the same thing inside by placing your collection on the floor. You just need enough room to comfortable sit within it. By using the same crystals, they too will be empowered by you, even if you take them up and down with each usage. . Natural Magick is there for you to just reach out...and TOUCH! Note #9... When one thinks of Witches and Druids and other Pagan folk, often we see them in groups dancing out in the woods, and being Tree Worshipers. Although there is no denying some truth in this, the cowan community is quite ignorant of the true magick of TREES! First a bit of list: ALMOND: business, clairvoyance, divination, money & prosperity, wisdom. APPLE: healing, immortality, love, perpetual youth, prosperity. ASH: health, prosperity, protection, Visulization Magicks, Sea Magick. APRICOT: love. ASPEN: protection. AVOCADO: beauty & love, to increase lust. BANANA: fertility & increasing lust. BEECH: Wish Magick. BIRCH: exorcism, fertility, new beginnings, protection, purification. BUCKTHORN: exorcism. CHERRY: divination. CEDAR: courage, healing, longevity, prosperity & wealth, protection, purification. COCONUT: chastity, healing, protection, purity. CYPRESS: past life rememories, longevity, protection. DOGWOOD: protection, Wish Magick. ELDER: exorcism, fidelity, healing, prosperity, protection, peaceful sleep, snake repellant, wealth. ELM: protection. EUCALYPTUS: healing. FIG: divination, energy, fertility, health, strength. HAWTHORNE: chastity, cleansing, fertility, handfasting, happieness, love, protection. HAZEL: divination, fertility, handfasting, luck, protection, reconciliation. HEMLOCK: POISON! HICKORY: legalalities. JUNIPER: health, exorcism, protection, snake repellant. LEMON: chastity, divination, friendship, healing, neutrality. LILAC: exorcism, harmony, protection. LIME: chastity, divination, healing, neutrality. LINDEN: immortality, love everlasting, luck, protection, peaceful sleep. MAGNOLIA: fidelity. MAPLE: divination, longevity, love. MULBERRY: divination, knowledge, wisdom, the 'Will'. MYRRH: healing, protection, spirituality. MYRTLE: fertility, harmony, love & peace, money & wealth, youth. OAK: fertility & increasing lust, health & healing, longevity, luck, money, prosperity, protection, strength, wealth. OLIVE: fertility, fidelity, fruitfulness, handfasting, harmony, healing, money, peace, protection, security, sexuality. ORANGE: divination, handfasting & love, luck. Note #10...Tree list continued. . PALM: fertility, strength, sexuality. PEACH: fertility, exorcism, divination, longevity, love, wisdom. PEAR: love. PECAN: employed, either getting or keeping. PINE: exorcism, fertility, health & healing, protection, prosperity & wealth, purification. PINEAPPLE: chastity, luck. PLUM: healing, love. POMEGRANATE: divination, fertility. POPLAR: APing. ROWAN: protection, psychic abilities, strength, success. WALNUT: healing & health, infertility, mental abilities, protection, Wish Magick. WILLOW: birthing, enchantments, healing, love & love spells, protection, wishing & Wish Magick. WITCH HAZEL: chastity, to decrease lust, protection. YEW: POISON! raising spirits. . Every tree, has inherit powers; and all have healing powers. Remember to think of the tree in terms of another living entity, talk to it. Of course, it won't 'hear' you but it will feel the energy behind your words. Words, that will transform thoughts of 'it' to a 'persona', thus changing your inner energies in a subtle process that will make Tree Magick possible. So you have your selected tree, now what? One of my favorite spells it to just go out and lean against an older tree, then just relax letting myself ground through Tree's roots, and of course thanking Tree for helping me. A 'Granny' spell: Elder Son of Mother Earth, High above me, tower -- To take my cares within Thy leaves, To scatter with Wind's power. . Where I grew up in Ohio, we knew of an ancient Maple called the Indian Tree. Beneath the far ranging limbs, was buried trinkets from the Indians who not only tied items to the branches, but buried things about the ground also near the trunk. I've often wondered what words might have accompanied this act. Lying beneath a tree, look up into the branches and watch the leaves flutter. This is an excellent scrying method, meditation exercise, and divination tool. If nothing else, it is a very pleasant past time! And remember the oft used advise: GO HUG A TREE! It really will help you feel better, even if you just lean up against it and relax, the tree will do the rest. I'd love to hear YOUR Tree Magick methods. Do you know of other tree species and their magickal energies? . And the next time you take a deep breathe, please think of our Mother Earth's trees and all their work to give us oxygen to HAVE oxygen for us to breath. . Note #11... This note is going to start a discussion about 'Shielding', and 'Protective Barriers'. What these terms mean, why such things are important, and what ever else I can think up concerning this topic. Shields are invisible walls of energy, that most people can't see but intuitive entities can feel. Some to be stopped by these walls, others to pass through them. Some walls are meant to for both beings and energies, usually negative; to be stopped. Some shields are so 'tight' as to stop germs and insects. WE set up these shields, WE empower them, and ideally WE maintain them. Upon myself I keep lay upon layer of protection, borrowing power from many aspects of the magickal and natural world. About my home and property, is a separate shield, a great Circle. No nook or cranny is overlooked, from the place where wires from outside come in through the wall, to the drains coming up from the ground. From around, to underneath and below, to above and over my property. And this, is what I'm going to endeavor teaching those who read here and wonder about -- Shielding. . One of the better books I recommend is 'Psychic Self-Defense & Well Being', a Llewellyn written by Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips. Though perhaps not a GREAT book, it none the less gets across information, easily understood by the beginner. Now, prevalent among the young Folk is this belief in a war between good and evil. It is a hanger-on from their Christian roots and since I don't believe in any such thing, will not be discussing it. I will be discussing other negativities, and how to cope with same. 'The best offense, is a good defense!' STILL good words. And just like belief in a 'curse' will give curse power, and be empowered by your own fear and belief SO TOO will you need to empower and believe in your barrier. KNOW IT WORKS! Then you will have protection on an emotional level, physical level, psychic level and into the higher astral planes that people like us often work on. Thus, you are protected and aided from things like disease, subliminal messages such are found in advertising, negativity which others strive to adhere you with, to outright psychic attack. And let me give examples...most of you know my health problems these past few months, I should have been unable to walk great distances as of about 7-8 years ago BUT was walking 15 miles, three times a week; up until this past August. Now, I'm having trouble now, and sometimes using crutches BUT am still not in a wheelchair. When all the homes in our neighborhood were being robbed and vandalized, our home wasn't. I don't like physical contact with other people, when I walk through a mall; people clear a path for me and put Crys and I together; it gets downright ridiculous because a wide 'aisle' opens right up for us. During one of the worst storms in decades, house damage and trees down, etc. Our home was untouched and the satellite dish didn't even need retuned. And since I learned that you could tighten your field until even germs can't cross, I've not had another case of pneumonia which I'm prone to. So you see, Shielding does work, can work in more ways than you thought, and NEXT we get to business! Note 12....... PERSONAL SHIELDING! I'm going to keep this simple with the beginner in mind but suggest you get & study the book previously recommended: Psychic Self Defense & Well Being. . 1) You need relaxed and in a somewhat meditative state, breathing deeply and regularly...don't hyperventilate! . 2) I want you comfortable and relaxed. Your heartbeat slowed, your Conscious Mind calmed. Your clothing comfortable and no pinched areas. You might even lock the doors and go skyclad in your bedroom, where you feel safe. When ready........ . 3) Now it's best if you STAND but whether sitting or standing, get yourself 'up straight' so your spine is nice and erect, like Mama always nagged you about! This is to help align all the energies both Mentally and Physically, giving them easy passage. So now, pretend you are a soldier and the 5 Star General is walking in front of you. . 4) NOW, we get to the visualization part, and THE ACTION! Start by building energy within you at just below chest level near the bottom of your ribcage (solar plexus chakra), a sphere of power that grows and expands until it is outside of you. Changing shape until from head to toe, this sphere of power surrounds you, not touching but out away from you like a bubble or like the force field from a Star Trek show. Picture yourself in this sphere as it takes on color, an intense blue light, it's brilliant, it completely surrounds you, it's PART OF YOU! THEN when you have it steady in place, turn your attention to the spot just over your head, there is alittle known chakra here also, and in this spot about 2" over your head picture your Self Spirit, your Highest Form, your Divine Spark and your connection to the Divine Unity, the One. FEEL IT TAKE FORM in a blinding white Star of Power! Feel its positivity and goodness, the rightness of it. PICTURE YOURSELF in this radiant white light surrounded by brilliant blue. Hold that thought as long as you can, give it LIFE and POWER! MAKE IT REAL! . 5) And when you can no longer properly visualize and are mentally tiring, let it go and fade from your Mind KNOWING that it's still in reality there in form. It is given form by Self but it is fed by the Divine Energy. KNOW IT! . Now, the first time doing this will be more difficult than the next time you do it, which will be harder than the time after that. It will get easy and 'natural' with practice. And if at first you can't visualize properly, that's alright. Or if you don't feel anything, that's alright, too. Just KEEP PRACTICING! . OOPS! Ran out of note space, hold that last thought for: Note 13....cont... PERSONAL SHIELDING! . I suggest you get into a daily routine, of practicing this technique. And remember, this barrier is a symbol to your Mental Mind, you won't 'see' it nor will others. Neither will it stop bullets or allow you to jump a building in one flying leap! It will when it reaches your potential, deflect negativity, protect from unpleasant entities, deflect psychic attacks. It can tell you if somebody has crossed your barrier, and if you don't like them or they are negative; give them nausea or headaches to downright CAN'T come across! . Because our Mind can take the most casual wish and make it reality (Watch what you wish for, you just might get it!), you can 'fine tune' your protection. Empower it or Program it, so to speak. . A second exercise in protection, is just visualizing the brilliant WHITE LIGHT, like a star inside you. It is small, but you feed it energy and empower it...and it GROWS. FOCUS on it! EMPOWER it! Make it REAL and make it GROW! Know it for a protective force of Divine Energy. 'See it' expand and grow until it is bigger than you. Until you are WITHIN it's firey protection. And as your mind relaxes this vision, KNOW that you are PROTECTED! And ORDER it so! Do not doubt it and Mind will make it so! . BLUE STAR: part of the Rede in its long poem version mentions: 'When misfortune is enow, Wear the blue star on the brow.' Now for those of you who don't know it, your brow is the spot between your eyes and up onto the forehead about an inch or so; those versed in Chakra, will recognise this spot as the 'Third Eye'. When in trouble, danger is present or some negativity of any type occurs or threatens; some Witches will invoke Power, and with their Projective Hand forefinger (right if righthanded, left if lefthanded); they will visualize and trace with their finger -- a Blue Star of Protection on their 'brow'. A pentagram. And let me tell you, there is no denying its presence, and it can be a most beautiful beacon to those fortunate enough to 'see' this on another. Note #14...HOUSE PROTECTION. FIRST: let me cover something usually missed: When shielding your home, DO NOT FORGET UNDERNEATH IT: including drains, sewer lines, sump pumps, water pipes, gas pipes and any other pipe or hole or ANYthing else that goes out below. When shielding your home, DO NOT FORGET ABOVE IT or AROUND IT: such as antenna wires coming in, electric and telephone wires, doors and windows, vents for stove and bathrooms, and ANY other opening or hole or pipe or whatever that comes through the walls. . THAT said, let us get down to business... As with everything else in Wicca, there are as many methods to shield and protect your home as there are apparently Witches. THE MAIN THING - visualize in what symbols work for YOU! So lets start by saying your goal is the visualization needed for sacred space - your home; and a barrier - the Circle you will cause to exist about your home. Now some will use one method and another something else. I use crystals and herbs for example. Some have these herbs, or crystals, or little brooms, or 'whatever' over every door and window. But FIRST, you have to start, and with any ritual I suggest you start, with YOU. Fast (go hungry), opinions vary but I think until you are very hungry and then the hunger passes, THAT is the time. Get a good bath and be very clean, herbal baths tend to 'set the mood'. But again this is up to you. . My experience has taught me the following is easy for the first timer: THEN, in one hand carry salted water (Earth & Water Elements), and in the other hand carry a censor (Fire & Air Elements). Then starting at the bottom of your house, work EACH & EVERY ROOM, moving Widdershin (counter clockwise), through the room AND through the downstairs and each level above that. And don't forget what I said in the first paragraph about openings, make special note of them as you work your way! Saying: . 'By Earth and Water, by Air and Fire, and by Spirit be this Circle bound and purified, as I desire! SO MOTE IT BE!' . When the inside is done, I finish by going outside and walking around the house, which of course isn't always possible; but walk around three times, Widdershin again; and this time sprinkling out the salted water and then, before the main door end by saying: . 'Thrice around my Circle bound, no evil cross my sacred ground!' SO MOTE IT BE! . And again I visualize my barriers like those from those old Star Trek Shows, not only going around, but ABOVE and BELOW! . NOTE #15......Protective Helpers. PROTECTIVE PLANTS: (thankyou: Cunningham's Ency.of Mag.Herbs, which added so much to my knowledge!) -- Acacia, African violet, agrimony, ague root, aloe, althea, alyssum, amaranth, anemone, angelica, anise, arbutus, asafoetida, ash, balm of Gideon, bamboo, barley, basil, bay, bean, betony (wood), birch, bittersweet, blackberry, bladderwrack, bloodroot, blueberry, bodhi, boneset, briony, bromeliad, broom, buckthorn, burdock, cactus, calamus, caraway, carnation, cascara sagrada, castor, cedar, celandine, chrysanthemum, cinchona, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, clover, club moss, coconut, black cohosh, cotton, cumin, curry, cyclamen, cypress, datura, devil's bit, devil's shoestring, dill, dogwood, dragon's blood, ebony, elder, elecampane, eucalyptus, euphorbia, fennel, fern, feverwort, figwort, flax, fleabane, foxglove, frankincense, galangal,garlic, geranium, ginseng, gorse, gourd, grains, grasses, hazel, heather, holly, honeysuckle, horehound, houseleek, hyacinth, hyssop, Irish moss, ivy, juniper, kava-kava, Lady's slipper, larch, larkspur, lavendar, leek, lettuce, lilac, lilies, lime, linden, liquidamber, loosestrife, lotus, lucky hand, mallow, mandrake, marigold, masterwort, meadow rue, mimosa, mint, mistletoe, molluka, mugwort, mulberry, mullein, mustard, myrrh, nettle, Norfolk Is. pine, oak, olive, onion, orris, papaya, papyrus, parsley, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, pepper tree, periwinkle, pilot weed, pimpernel, pines, plantain, plum, primrose, purslane, quince, radish, ragwort, raspberry, rattlesnake root, rhubarb, rice, root vegetables & foods, rose, rosemary, rowan, sage, St.John's wort, sandalwood, sloe, snapdragon, southernwood, Spanish moss, squill, tamarisk, thistle, ti, toadflax, tomato, tormentil, tulip, turnip, valerian, Venus flytrap, vervain, violet, wax plant, willows, wintergreen, Witch Hazel, wolf's bane, woodruff, wormwood, yerba Santa, yucca. . Plant tissue is so very easy to use, many of the above are found in the grocery store in the spice department! But you can gather your own, dry it and store in a sealed jar in a dark shelf, for future use. Feel free to combine herbs, especially making up something that smells good to YOU, this is Aroma Magick, too. You can even buy tea, Celestial Seasons is GREAT for this, in the types of herbs you want and take the tea from the bag to use. I speak to the herbs and plants I'm using, telling them what I need, thanking them for their help. I can't say that at this point the dried herbs here me BUT it does help program Unconscious Mind to the needed task... . Note #16........more Protective Helpers. PROTECTIVE STONES: this can get more complicated. Your best method of utilizing Crystal Magick is to do a 'birth stone' layout incorporating your Sun, Season, Month, Day and Hour stones. Also realize that there are several Sunstones (Birthstones) per Zodiac sign, not just the one usually known about. (Having this main layout in your bedroom.) This information, I have covered in the 6 Crystal Magick notes previously posted under that subject. ...*Can easily repost if anybody requests that data.*... . Usually in Crystal Magick, you try to match the problem needing solved to a specific Crystal's attributes. At the same time, being wary of overpowering your system of too much projective or receptive power. . Protective stones of a general nature come in BLACK colors but Cunningham provides more on his list from Crystal, Gem & Metal Magick; so have combined his list and mine for here: . agates, alum, amber, Apache Tear, asbestos, calcite, carnelian, cat's eye, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, coal, coral, quartz crystals, diamond. emerald, flint, fossils, garnet, holey stones (stones with natural made holes), jade, jasper, jet, lava, lepidolite, malachite, marble, mica, moonstone, mother of pearl, obsidian, olivine, onyx, pearl, peridot, petrified wood, pumice, ruby, salt, sard, dark sapphires, sardonyx, serpentine, staurolite, sulfer, Sunstones (stone type not birthstone), tiger's eye, topaz, black & red tourmalines, turquoise, clear & red zircons. . Now not everybody is going to want to get into this in depth. But the CHEAPEST stones such as plain old coal; and sard which is often that dull black filler in the grab bags at your local rock store...are very good protectors when enmassed. Coal gets dirty but you can often wash much of the dust off. After your initial shielding, place stones about the doors and windows. I was very lucky in my current house, as it was being built, I smuggled crystals in and they are now sealed into the building itself, unseen. Last spring we had cementing redone and so at each door, people now step across my stones that I sneaked into the cement work. Everything especially balanced so as not to mess up the next people who live here. And, these stones won't need cleared or cleansed except in my big 'whole house' clearing, done periodically. If this is still too much work, get yourself a clear jar or a wicker basket, and fill it with various types of agates, as many types as possible. Add some quartz crystal shards. And then place this centrally in your home, and it will work neutralizing and clearing negativity. It would help to empower it but even that isn't necessary! Besides being a pretty centerpiece and conversation piece. Once a month run the stones through warm RUNNING water for several minutes to clear them of negativity as well as dust. NOTE #17... As I went over my previous notes, it began to become clear to me that more needed said. I remembered the first time I found the Wicca subjects under Arts. There was no effort to specifically speak to the new person, as I have here. I was Goddess blessed to have found people like Domi and Birdy and the other Ladys, to ask questions of and get answered. But then how many have the time I've had, to sit and think about this and compose postings? But anyway, with these thoughts rattling around my head for a day or so, I now proceed to my 'afterthoughts'.... By now you've probably decided if Wicca is for you, or not; maybe even self dedicated yourself. Perhaps you've done some rituals and dabbled in Magicking. But what next? FIRST: get yourself to the library and start READING! SECOND: get yourself a copy of Cunnigham's 'Solitary Practitioner'. I like this book best, because he writes without any Trad leanings. My dear friend Lady Jana called him a 'wimp', which he really is but hear me out... When the children were little I would make them a dessert called bread pudding. All it was, was an egg, bread and milk baked. Very bland with little taste, just right for little ones. But as the children grew I added more sugar, and vanilla, and nutmeg; making the taste stronger until now I would throw in raisins and walnuts. You see, dear Reader; this is what I hope for you. To get you started so you can find your own path, maybe with Cunningham (I like him!) but maybe with a Trad like Gardnerians or such. But YOU need to decide what kind of Witch you wish to be? How 'religious'? Will it be superficial and shallow, convenient? Will it be deep, life changing, transforming? Is one worst or better than the other? YES! If you wish to be deep and practice shallow, or the other way round; making Self unhappy and dissatisfied -- then YES, something is definitely wrong. But only YOU can make these decisions for Self, not me, not friends or relatives or anybody but YOU! So I ask you to think about this and decide -- what kind of 'pudding' will you be? I hope the RIGHT one for YOU, because that's all that matters. Wicca isn't casting spells left and right, nor is it fancy garb. A person might look out over a beautiful valley, give a sigh and say, 'This was made by God.' But I think a Wiccan would sigh and say, 'This IS the God and Goddess'. I think in that subtle switch of thought, lies Wicca, a belief of all things alive and connected, partnered. It is harmonizing with a personified world and being alive, not just with your Physical Body, but with your entire Being. I wish I could say it better, could share the things that I have experienced. Mere words are not enough. When writing properly, one should never end on a negative note, but I purposely am going to do just that so it sticks in your head to be thought about. Wicca is considered by Christians to be Satanic. A wiccan can be subjected to physical and mental abuse, their home and person violated, their safety jeopardized. Family may shun you. Society may consider you neurotic and a victim of child abuse, deranged in some manner. A great many will take it upon themselves to 'save you', as though you were a little lost lamb being led to the slaughter by the big bad wolf. Being Wiccan, won't always be easy, won't always be fun... . NOTE #18..........more afterthoughts. WHY exercise ritual? For one thing, it's fun and enjoyable. And if one's going to have religion, I think these are very important traits for a religion, ANY religion to have. To honor the Lord and/or Lady, is another good answer. But you decide for your reasons, this decision will help give you focus. During ritual you cast a Circle of energy. Not to keep the evil boogeyman out , but a Magick Circle is a container. And what it holds, is the energy you have raised. True, the Circle does keep out negativity, but that is not as important. Raising power during ritual can be done in many ways, such as drumming & chanting. I once saw a TV interview and the Witches were chanting: 'The Goddess is Alive! and Magick is afoot!' And their chanting caused power to rise in me. Now sometimes, you see certain definite rituals and chants, done over and over AND over some more! These would seem to get as monotonous, as the Lord's Prayer did to me as a kid in school. (Yes, the old days!) So are YOU going to simply recite lines and spells, or are you going to put your Will into it, and genuinely and subtly CHANGE? But how can you tell if you are changed? If the Power is with you? Sometimes it won't happen at all. And beginner's may not realize change when it occurs, because it grows slowly, and gains in power and energy with use and practice. But when the Goddess is Alive -- your perception altars and widens as your Mind opens up. Your emotions are raised and excited. Your voice will raise in volume and the pitch too, changes up or down. And knowledge will come to you, poetry will flow, and you will be more than, Yourself. THIS is what others talk about, when they say WE are the Goddess! And THIS makes ritual and magick worth practicing. . But what is ritual and magick and spell casting? Are you sure you know what the answer is? I don't know, not for sure except what it is to me. Somebody on this subject last week said something to the effect, that not all Witches do rituals, etc and that Wicca was a way of life more than a religion. In my strong opinion - how can you be Wiccan and NOT? My day starts with feeding & watering my cats, hitting the bathroom, seeing family off for the day and checking my Rune of the day. I light my candle, turn on the computer, and make some tea and meditate a bit before working files, answering mail and booting to P*. Later I do dishes, while thinking how lucky to have food to dirty dishes with, and work to earn money that buys the food. I give thought to the hungry, homeless and less fortunate. Any cleaning done, my mind again wanders to how fortunate to have a home that needs swept, to those who have no homes such as the recent hurricane victims in Fla. I energize at these times, and where many HATE house work I often am thankful and happy and relaxed. NOW -- which of the above is 'ritual' or not? What is 'spells' or 'magick' or not? Each Reader, will have a different opinion. But to me, a Witch who lives the Rede, follows Threefold Law, LIVES & BREATHES MAGICK & RITUAL!!! She or he, has no choice. Note #19 A Solitary works and answers to themselves. They can do things how they feel or when. This is how I practice ritual, but also I have a Circle. This is a loose, less structured group of friends who get together and talk and learn...a support group and learning lab. Then a Coven is structured with excepted guidelines and rules and ways of doing things. Each Coven makes these rules for itself. Some follow rules already preset, and would be said to be following a 'trad.', which is a Tradition. An excepted way of doing things. When you become initiated, you can do this yourself as do Solitaries; or by a Circle or Coven leader. At this point you are a Priest or Priestess because we do not believe in the need for a mediator between Self and Divine. Such as the Christian preacher or Jewish Rabbi, whatever. Now in groups, you continue to learn and passing tests to become higher degree'd. The top of this is High Priestess and High Priest, they are the most learned and respected. A respected person is called Lord or Lady. Some of the kids pop up, calling themselves Lord This and Lady That. They have not earned respect of others. There are people here entitled to this term but don't use it, such as Domi or Westwind. I myself was reticent on letting my own group call me Lady until assured it was alright from those whom I respect. But I'm a bit more careful about such things. But DID cheat a little. My name is legal but as I worked it up, I figured I'd use my initials of L.D. then realized if I add the E. it looked like the license plates that have phono-spelled words... LDE can say Lady. I fear Ego Self got me on that one! Anybody can be a Solitary. But not just anybody can join the group of their choice, you have to be voted in, so to speak. Often, a person allowed to participate will do so for a year and a day trial period before the initiation into membership. This is Covens, and here again...each will work different. For my Circle, nothing fancy, we are too loose with many never having met other members but the connection is myself. Most Circles won't work as I do!!! Now for Samhain, most of my friends spun off into Covens, which was the goal. These are made up of friends. So you can see how individualized these matters can be. I hope I've not further confused you. . Note #20...THE TRIPLE GODDESS as seen by Laurie Cabot. . MAIDEN: the crescent moon, viginal and delicate, grows stronger and brighter each night, appearing higher & higher in the sky as it comes to greater fullness. Ancient men & women have interpreted this phase of the moon to represent the young girl growing stronger with each passing day. She's the pure, independent athlete and huntress, who in Mediterranean Goddess lore was called Diana & Artemis. As she matures into a powerful woman warrior, or Amazon, she learns to defend herself and the children that she will someday birth into existence. In some cultures this free and independent Goddess is the Lady of the Wild Things and presides over the hunting rituals. In her hand she holds the hunting horn, taken from the cows and bulls that are her special animals. The horn is shaped like the crescent moon. Power of the Witch, pg. 26-27. . MOTHER: The full moon, when the night sky is flooded with light, is represented as a mother Goddess, her womb swollen with new life.... In the mother aspect of the full moon, the Goddess of the hunt also becomes the Queen of the Harvest, the Great Corn Mother, who bestows her bounty upon the earth..... In America she was the Corn Maiden, who brought maize to nourish the people...... Power of the Witch, pg. 28 . CRONE: At some point in every woman's life the menstrual cycle ends. She ceases to bleed with the moon. She retains her blood forever, or so it must have seemed to our ancestors. She holds her power, and so she is power-full. She is an elder. She is the wise old crone..... The Greek Goddess Hecate, Goddess of Night, Death, and Crossroads, embodied this Crone...... And so from birth, to puberty, to motherhood, to old age and death, the eternal return of life is intimately bound up in every woman, no matter what phase of her own life she is currently in..... Power of the Witch, pg. 32-33. Triple Moon Goddess...the end of 3 parts. NOTE #21.............the God! . I speak not of a jealous God who claims all for Himself, nor does He strike fear in the Pagan heart. He does not punish indiscriminately nor command complete subservience of His followers. He is not a total evil entity, such as is claimed by an ignorant bigotry. Nor a recent persona, for He has been here for thousands of years uncounted. He is the equal half of the two sides of Divine Power; consort to the Goddess and Her son as well. And They are equal, and together make One. Where She is the Moon, He is the Sun whose life is celebrated in our celebrations, throughout the Wheel Year. He is the Green God of Summer and the Horned God of Winter. His antlered or horned helmet speaks His connection to the wild animals of forest and field. He is the Great Hunter and Lusty Lover. And as the Sun is His, so are the distant stars, as well as all lands untouched by humans. He is the rich harvest and the heady wines. His lust is celebrated, along with the Goddesses fertility, both needed for LIFE! All war weapons, such as swords and spears are his symbols, as well as numerous crystals and herbs. The bull, dragon, dog, snake, wolf, boar and stag are his, and the eagle, falcon and numerous others. The Lord is born of the Goddess at Yule. At Imbolc She has recovered and He is a growing, healthy lad, whose power grows with the lengthening daylight. By Ostara, Mother Earth is greening and fertile and the God is maturing. At Beltane the mature God reaches manhood, and seeing the Goddess, He lies with Her among the grasses and flowers; and Their union results in Her pregnancy. Midsummer finds the Lord's powers at their peak; and the peak of Mother Earth's fertility. But by Lughnasadh, He weakens; harvest time has come; and as the light grows weaker, so too does our Lord. Nature is declining by Mabon, the world readies itself for the Winter time and rest; so too does the God prepare Himself to leave his aging body. And at Samhain, we bid the God a temporary 'farewell'. He goes to rest and rejuvenate for His rebirth... To many Covens, there is only Goddess worship. But how can this be balanced? To me, it's as lopsided as only worshipping a God. It just seems to make sense to worship both for a balance that was meant to be, instead of worshipping one to the exclusion of the other. But YOU must decide your path for yourself. He is God and Lord; the Sky Father; He is Pan and Robin of the Woods; He is Cernunnos. By thousands of names is He known. Note #22. .This is an odd note to make you think. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A light year is how far light can travel in one year, or 10 trillion killometers. Our universe has no known limits but within it, there are millions of galaxies, some of which contain hundreds of billions of stars. . Stars shine by their own heat, which can be more than 55,000 degrees. And there are stars 600,000 times brighter than our own sun. A Nova, is an exploding super-star. And a Red Supergiant like Antares, is less dense than Earth's atmosphere. White Dwarf stars, are hundreds of times denser than lead. Stars come in groups called Clusters, Globular Clusters which are even denser. Stars form Constellations, and glow with gas and dust, with what is called Nebulosity. . Our Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across and spirals with 400 billion stars. It turns every quarter billion years & we live in the Coreanas Cygnus spiral arm, out near its end. . On a dark night, we can see maybe 2,000 stars. Sirius, the Dog Star is the brightest we can see and 8.8 light years away. You might see 'falling stars' or meteorites. You can gaze upon the moon and its crators, and watch it and the stars move across Father Sky. You might see satelites or the shuttle. Or a comet, with its tail of blue burning gases and its tail of white reflected light. You can see other worlds, and maybe a visitor from one! . During the summer of 1908, in Siberia, something hit the Earth. One theory is: Comet Enkey (him kay) broke into 2 big pieces and one, speeding at 100,000 mph hit. A mountain of ice, 1 million tons in weight, the size of a football field; it was too large to burn up completely in our atmosphere. . The Arizona meteor caused crator, was caused by another space travelor of 50,000 tons which then vaporized on impact. Could other crators be around? Look at places like the Gulf of Mexico and the Hudson Bay area. Who can say? . Halley's Comet has been seen at least 28 sure times, last in its poor performance of 1986. And 1910 brought end-of-the-world terror. Montezuma & Cortez also saw it, and probably changed world history because of it. Seen in 1056 and even earlier in 240 BC. Perhaps it was THE Star of Bethlehem, and maybe not. . Our Sun is unusual in being alone, but then - it almost wasn't. This Yellow Dwarf, 93 million miles away; almost had its twin in Jupitor. The 'red spot' of Jupiter is a giant hurricane. Uranus has rings along with the famous Saturn ones, as discovered by Voyager in 1977. BTW: Uranus is only a mere 80 light minutes away, while Neptune is a little further at 4 light hours. There are over 2,000 asteroids between Mars and Jupiter; possible remnants of another planet/s? . .NOTE #23.....continued Think Note! . In 1976, after traveling for a year, two robot space craft landed on Mars. They found the Mt.Olympus volcanoe which is wider than the state of Arizona and three times higher than Mt.Everest. Dry river beds, odd stone formations. . Our small to average sized Yellow Star can hold over a million Earths in its 860,000 mile diameter. . Do you know that if you took a picture of each planet, at the same exact time each day, from the exact same place - the design of planet if combined would form what is called, an Analemma. Circles, ovals, off figure - eights, and near teardrop shapes. . If we compressed the Universes time frame into that of one year, as we know it: 1 month = 1 1/4 billion years 1 day = 40 million years 1 minute = 30,000 years 1 second = 500 years And our Universe is 15 billion years old. NOW, here's what happens, when: . Jan. 1st - the universe began. May - the Milky Way formed. summer - other planetory systems were forming. mid. Sept. - our Sun & planets were born. late Sept. - LIFE developed. Dec. 31st - 10:30 pm the first humans came into being. at 11:32 pm they tamed fire. by 11:59 pm they were taming wild animals & farming & using tools. at 11:35 pm the first cities came into existence. now it's 11:59 and 50 seconds, and in these last 10 seconds, all of our known history has occured. Confucius and Galileo, Jesus and Mohammed, Genghis Khan, Ceasar and Cleopatra, and wars unnumbered. Drags to wagon wheels to space shuttles. . NOW, I wonder - how many of you will get the point of these past two notes. And how many will wonder what the heck all this has to do with Wicca... . ...............THINK ABOUT IT............... . Note #24...Much to the dismay of the adults, there has been much questioning of late for spells to make one more attractive; get revenge; make another love one; enhance one's appearance; and a myriad of such as this that causes those who know better; to reach for their hair and SCREAM! Well with the screaming done, let's discuss responsibility and warnings... . Magick is for healing, helping and harmonious endeavors. HOWEVER, you must have permission! And the subject must know AND understand WHAT KIND of healing/help you wish to provide. Understand you are talking Witchcraft. . If you do scrying and divination for others - BE HONEST! Tell them if your skills are limited. Tell them if you feel a pending catastrophe. . Never use Magick to trespass into another's mind or home or in any other manner. Come invited or not at all! . Just because you can read minds, DON'T! It's trespassing. . Just because you can AP to another person, DON'T unless you know you are permitted. If you feel ANY BARRIER or SHIELD then immediately STOP! Respect such as these. . Magick is NOT an EASY WAY OUT! If you want to look nice: eat right and exercise, etc. If you want that person to like you: act nice, engage them in conversation, etc. Be 'likable'. Want good grades: sure herbs and crystals can help BUT STUDY, eat right, get enough sleep. . Want to get even? Get revenge? Well that's NOT Wicca no matter what some money making advertising scam says. Wicca has the Rede, and assume you have heard of it by this point. So sit back, and watch Threefold Law do its thing. Because I assure you - IT WILL come back to ANYBODY. And YOU don't want to be THE FOOL it comes back on, now do you? . If you are a beginner, understand that there is such a thing as 'binding spells' that bind another's negativity, to them. These spells are for those more experienced. You see, when you do such action, you MUST NOT put any of your OWN anger, hatred, dislike, and other negative emotions into it. Because THEN, YOUR negativity will COME BACK to YOU! . Magick works, don't have any doubts about that! But it often works in unthought ways. So the person who wants to 'spell', must first study the matter ever so careful. I've mentioned it's like playing chess, do this, that may happen and then these could happen. One wrong word and you have Power out of control. . Do I mean to scare you with this little tirade? DAMN RIGHT! Because YOU are responsible! If it was an accident, if you misspoke, if you let a little anger slip in - IT'S STILL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You alone! . Note #25...I hope I've still got your attention and you've just told yourself, after reading #24 -- but M'Lady I'm not interested in that stuff, I'm serious, and I want to be responsible! But if you are one of those game players on an ego trip; ignoring the warnings -- well you are due for a good dose of Threefold Law and it will serve well to teach you better where I have now failed. . * * * * * * * * Being a Witch is being more alive and able to sense the more subtle, than your average person. All of Life becomes Holy, becomes alive and YOU are now PART of the Great Circle. So live fully and completely, BE HONORABLE! knowing that living in a positive manner will become its own reward. You can now cast aside your doubts, for you know that EVERYTHING works out for the better one way or another. There are very few accidents, very few coincidences - if any! For everything has purpose, so except it and don't waste thought and strength and worry on - what if? Cast away FEAR! 'God' is not going to 'get you'. You are not going to be punished in eternal fires for 'whatever'. Yes, YOU ARE responsible for your negativity, and correction can be a painful lesson but the penalty will fit the crime, and when corrected it's DONE! OVER! Taking responsibility doesn't mean you have to cripple yourself with guilt. Does something 'go wrong'? Then realize you are correcting Karma, or being corrected for negativity; or it's meant this way for something better in the future. TRUST! As a Witch you can harmonize with Mother Nature. And without spells or great knowledge. Simply walk in the field and wood, breathe deep, respect Nature. Gaze on the Moon, and give thought to the changing Wheel on Sabbats. You don't need all the 'tools of the trade', nor elaborate 'ritual'. You don't even need to be an 'official' Witch for this. Just listen with your heart and soul. Feel within Self the Life Force of this small planet and all things on it. Open your heart to LOVE! You can love another person even if their skin isn't the same as yours. They can even be your friend if their sexual preference isn't considered normal by others. Why, you can even invite in people who have a different path to the Divine. How about that?! YOU have NO REASON to HATE ANYBODY anymore. Isn't that wonderful? And what's more -- you have many reasons to LOVE that obnoxious idiot who you've despised in the past. You know the one. She calls you names or he beats you up. Because YOU now KNOW, they are going to pay for their negativity. If not in this life, then surely in one to come. And the WORSE they treat others, the WORSE they themselves will receive correction. And how you handle them, will reflect on YOU! It's not always easy being a 'nice person'. Sometimes it's awful hard to think charitable when all you want to do is throttle some jerk. Just think lemons, I got lemons, I got LOTS of lemons! UGH! Now, how do I make lemonade? LISTEN WELL, if you put yourself to the task of thinking positive; it soon becomes a natural way to think. Your capacity for love and compassion will grow. And as you send it off around the Great Circle, it will come back bigger and better. I swear to you - this is so. . Note #26...To live in harmony with Mother Earth and Father Sky, you need to know when astrological events are happening. Not an absolute but it DOES enhance your rituals, magicking and spells. First, you need to know what 'Time Zone' you live in. Each Time Zone has a different time, from each other. Many calendars & lists give a time in a certain Time Zone, it is then up to you to figure out the difference to get your own correct time. The following then is the name of the Time Zone and the Time. You then add or subtract as needed. . * TIME ZONES * Easter Time Zone........ 5:00 pm Central Time Zone........ 4:00 pm Mountain Time Zone........ 3:00 pm Pacific Time Zone........ 2:00 pm Alaska Time Zone........ 1:00 pm Hawaii & Aleutian Islands Time Zone ... noon . NOTE: take into account Daylight Savings Time! . Next thing to know is Sabbat dates. And you need to understand that because Wicca is celebrating Solar and Lunar dates, these dates are called 'floating holidays'. The Lunar ones are Full or Esbat; and New Moons and will be dealt with in the next note. The Sabbats are on Equinoxes, when the sunlight and dark hours are of equal duration; and Solstices, shortest and longest daylight hours. And other more stable dates are harvest and animal husbandry dates; like when lambs are born or meat slaughtered for the coming winter. And furthermore a Sabbat is a festival and time of rejoicing and celebration, when no work is done, except in an emergency. . SABBATs: Yule c. Dec. 21 st, Winter Solstice Imbolc Feb. 2 nd Ostara c. March 21 st, Spring Equinox Beltane April 30 th Midsummer c. June 21 st, Summer Solstice Lughnasadh August 1 st Mabon c. Sept. 21 st, Autumnal Equinox Samhain October 31 st . Now the turning of the season's is referred to as a Wheel. You can look on it as the farmer would, or as the God & Goddess life cycle, or as a confirmation of reincarnation, OR any and all of the above. But by what belief or name of your Sabbats: YOU DECIDE! . The God is born of His Mother/Lover at Yule. Imbolc find the Youth growing stronger, and at Ostara He is reaching Manhood while the Goddess blossoms in fertility. At Beltane the Adult God 'loves' the Goddess, impregnating Her with Himself. But Midsummer is the peak of His strength for he now weakens as Lughnasadh brings the harvesting season. Mabon finds Him readying to temporarily depart the Goddess who feels Him both dying without and growing within. She bids farewell at Samhain. . Note #27 NEW & FULL MOONS 1993. The times posted are for Eastern STANDARD Time: Jan. 8 New Moon Cancer 7:38 am 22 New Moon Aquarius 8:01 am . Feb. 6 Full Moon Leo 6:57 pm 21 New Moon Pisces 2:13 am . March 8 Full Moon Virgo 4:47 am 22 New Moon Aries 2:15 am . April 6 Full Moon Libra 1:44 pm 21 New Moon Taurus 6:50 pm . May 5 Full Moon Scorpio 10:35 pm 21 New Moon Gemini 8:08 am * . June 4 Full Moon Sagittarius 8:03 am * 19 New Moon Gemini 8:54 pm . July 3 Full Moon Capricorn 6:46 pm 19 New Moon Cancer 6:25 am . August 2 Full Moon Aquarius 7:11 am 17 New Moon Leo 12:29 pm 31 Full Moon Pisces 9:34 pm Blue Moon . Sept. 15 New Moon Virgo 10:11 pm 30 Full Moon Aries 1:55 pm Harvest Moon . Oct. 15 New Moon Libra 6:37 am 30 Full Moon Taurus 7:38 am . Nov. 13 New Moon Scorpio 4:35 pm * 28 Full Moon Gemini 11:32 pm * . Dec. 13 New Moon , Sagittarius 10:50 am 28 Full Moon, Cancer 6:06 pm *...from above: May 21 7:18 am, 11:19 am partial Solar Eclipse, Gemini Nov. 13 12:46 pm, 4:43 pm partial Solar Eclipse, Scorpio June 4 3:10 am, 6:00 am, 8:50 am total Lunar Eclipse Sagittarius Nov.28-29 6:27 pm, 11:26 pm, 2:25 am total Lunar Eclipse Gemini . .I've run out of space for more on Luna, see next note. ....................SABBAT DATES....................... . ..........Imbolc......Febuary 2 Sun Rise ..........Ostara......March 20 9:42 am ..........Beltane.....May 1 Sun Rise ..........Midsummer...June 21 4:01 am ..........Lughnasadh..August 1 Sun Set ..........Mabon.......September 22 7:24 pm ..........Samhain.....October 31 Sun Set ..........Yule........December 21 3:27 pm . Note #28...Just as the Sabbats are representative of a Solar God, the Esbats fall to a Lunar Goddess. This because of the first humans realizing the connection between Moon cycles and women's monthly cycle. There are 13 Esbats in the year. So we often take notice of the times of full and new moons, in some manner. WAXING means the moon has appeared in it's first crescent stage through to a full viewing. WANING is the cycle of full through the stages of lessening view until it is completely gone from sight. Scientifically, we can see ocean tides rise and fall; and police talk of added violence at full moons but of course this could be because a thief would have more light to see by. But we know gravity effects our Magicking. Keeping the above cycle, size, and gravity, etc in mind you now know the start of timing. Next you plan your spells accordingly. Constructive spells: would be protective and the kinds to better yourself, like love, wealth, and health. Destructive spells: are the type like breaking a bad habit, eliminating or separating. Just remember: WAXING.....GROWING.....CON structive WANING.....SHRINKING...DE structive . Now your Esbat can be as simple as just gazing on Her, or a full-blown candle, incense, chanting ritual. YOU dictate how YOU enjoy celebrating, if indeed you do at all. No matter how I take notice of Esbat, I ALWAYS take my crystal scrying sphere out for a Moon Bath, which is raising it in both hands as offering to the Lunar Goddess. Often I sit for a long while meditating in Her light. It's beautiful when I'm able to light my candles outside with Moonlight shining down. . A few Lunar Goddesses are Luna, Selene, Artemis, Phoebe, Diana, and Cynthia. Other names can be found, some 'rightful' Moon Goddesses like Selene, others like Phoebe who evolved from Titan to Goddess status. I leave the searching to YOU, so that you do some of the work here! . Excerpts from Song of Hiawatha, by Longfellow: Downward through the evening twilight, In the days that are forgotten, In the unremembered ages, From the full Moon fell Nokomis, Fell the beautiful Nokomis, She a wife but not a mother. . She was sporting with her women, Swinging in a swing of grape vines, When her rival the rejected, Full of jealousy and hatred, Cut the leafy swing asunder, Cut in twain the twisted grape vines, And Nokomis fell affrighted Downward through the evening twilight .... . ....later verses: By the shores of Gitche Gumee, By the shining Big-Sea Water, Stood the wigwam of Nokomis, Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis. . Note #29...With this note I am going into the subject of Fire and Candle Magick and its associated Color Magick. But a reminder from note #7... And do you know that Candle Magick is FIRE Magick? And how many places keep an 'eternal flame'? Being near DC, Kennedy's tomb in Arlington Cemetery comes to mind. And how many churches and shrines also use candles, etc? From candle flame to smudge pots to balefires, Fire Magick is involved. Fire the Great Cleanser. And forget the trashy propaganda that often links it to sex orgies! Write a note with your wish and throw it in the fire; or a fault or problem, and let it be burned away. Stare into the flames and be mesmerized; scry; and remember past times of other lives. BUT BEWARE, lest you burn down the house! When using ANY kind of fire, keep pets away; curtains from blowing into the flame; or objects from falling in. Is the container fire proof? What if the container gets hot, is it sitting on something also fire proof? Cleanse yourself and objects in its smoke, let it release fragrances into the Air - but DON'T GET CARELESS!!! A 'smudge pot', is often thought of in connection to Shamanism and Native Peoples. It's generally a small clay 'pot' or bowl. You place 'smudge sticks', small bundles of herbals such as sweetgrass, or cedar; inside and light them with fire. Then fan gently with your hand or gently waft the bundle through the air to spread the cleansing smoke, and keep the bundle burning. Left alone without moving air and they tend to 'go out'. Great purifiers! MAKE SURE THE POT SUITS THIS PURPOSE! Now to Candle Magick. First, understand these are just tools like anything else. You don't HAVE TO HAVE a candle to work Magick. Candles can be powerful tools, however; to be taken advantage of in your magicking, spell working, and rituals. When properly made of beeswax, which is terribly expensive BTW; you will incorporate Water (in the wax), Air (smoke), Fire (obviously!), and Earth by adding crushed crystals. I often surround my candles with crystals AND herbs, instead of adding the crystals to the candle wax. It works just as well for me, and I've not ruined the stones for future use. NOTE: beeswax is best because it is naturally made but don't worry, not many Folk can afford to use it except in very special occasions. In the next notes, I've worked color charts. Remember that individuals differ in what color, means what, to them. One culture marries in white, another mourns in white. Candles come in many sizes and shapes - this isn't important! Most of the type you find today, burn away without drips - which is a big improvement! CAREFUL, hot wax CAN BURN! Candles are best left to burn themselves out HOWEVER remember the warnings I already mentioned. And never blow the candle out, SNUFF IT! Blowing, is an insult (Air to Fire), it scatters the energies you were working with and ruining the exercise. Some say to even snuff the match, rather than shake or blow it out. Personally, my matches get blown out! Now to two color notes, then a bit more on this subject. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . Note #30...Color Magick will work with crystals, candles, cords, even glass spheres to a small extent. And although I've given color & property lists here, remember color is just another 'tool'. The REAL POWER is in your own Mind. And too, when in doubt or lack, just use white or any other color you've got to visualize with for your need. And if you want to get elaborate, add crystals and herbs, your layout. . SILVER GRAY: breaks stalemates and helps you make up your mind; neutralizes when need be. . WHITE: can be as protective as black; promotes peace, tranquillity, purity and/or purification; truth; aides and enhance psychism. GODDESS SYMBOL. . GREEN: connect to Nature & gardening, fertility; financial issues and money; aids prosperity and luck; bringer of love; an emotional soother and balancer. EARTH ELEMENT. GODDESS SYMBOL. . BROWN: stops uncertainties, to aid in feeling secure and at ease, emotional stabilized; connects to physical objects like your possessions and gifts, either given or received; also and aide in animal healing. . PINK: good for emotions of loving, like romance; calming and soothing; the emotional love and loving attitudes, like friendships and nurturing relationships; involved with honor and morality. . RED: always connected to blood, birth and death; sex and sexual love, passion, physical energy, courage and enthusiasm are emotions of this color as are, arguments and hatred. Good in health, strength and vigor spells and defensive magick. FIRE ELEMENT. GOD SYMBOL. . ORANGE: is a gentler color than red; connects to personal strength, authority, and power, stimulating & encourages in all these aspects; being lucky; being attractive. It attracts the characteristics wanted from other tools, spells and rituals. . YELLOW: the color of change; mental awareness & confidence; movement and energy; connects to clairvoyance, divination, as well as, wisdom and learning; also communication. Good for students. AIR ELEMENT. SUN SYMBOL. . GOLD YELLOW: connects to attraction, persuasion, charm and confidence. . GREEN YELLOW: connects to sickness, jealousy, and discord. . VIOLET/PURPLE: traditionally connected to mysticism & spirituality; purification; healing, especially the healing of serious diseases; peace; and power; aid to sensitivity and intuitive talents; but also to ambition and progress. . Note #31...part #2 of Color Magick. . BLUE: promotes happiness; peace & tranquillity; healing; aids in meditation as it connects to intellect and mind. WATER ELEMENT. SKY SYMBOL. . LIGHT BLUE: aids tranquillity, understanding, patience and health. . DARK BLUE: connects to depression and impulsiveness; changability in a negative manner. . BLACK: the protector & shielder, good for Banishing and/or Binding Spells; this color aids self control, quiet power, resilience, as it absorbs negativity and destroys it; the strengthening and support in spells; also an aid during loss. SPACE SYMBOL. . NOTE! Some lists are different so here they are, separated by ...dots... . Season Colors: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ . Month Colors: ^^^^^^^^^^^^ January February purple........brown March light blue....blood red April white.........yellow May June July blood red.....dark blue August pale green....white September dark blue.....medium blue October rainbow.......rainbow November yellow........purple December medium blue...light green Day Colors: ^^^^^^^^^^ Monday.....white....silver/grey...silver red blue Sunday.....yellow...white.........golden yellow . NOTE: The names of our day were named as following: Monday for the Moon Goddess; Tuesday for the Norse God of War, Tyr; Wednesday is for Woden (Odin) the main God of Norse beliefs; Thursday, for Thor, Norse God of thunder & lightning; Friday is the Norse Goddess of love, Freya; Saturday is for Saturn and Sunday for the Sun. . Note #31a, FROM: MICHAEL KRUE, reposted with his permission. Hi, DenElder, Thanks for the other info. and thank you for asking me to share what I have. ASTRAL COLORS Primary Secondary Aquarius --- Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 Blue Green Pisces ----- Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 White Green Aries ------ Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 White Pink Taurus ----- Apr. 20 - May 20 Red Yellow Gemini ----- May 21 - June 21 Red Blue Cancer ----- June 22 - July 22 Green Brown Leo -------- July 23 - Aug. 22 Red Green Virgo ------ Aug. 23 - Sep. 22 Gold Black Libra ------ Sep. 23 - Oct. 22 Black Blue Scorpio ---- Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 Brown Black Sagittarius Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 Gold Red Capricorn -- Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 Red Brown DAYS OF THE WEEK Sunday Yellow Monday White Tuesday Red Wednesday Purple Thursday Blue Friday Green Saturday Black . I also have the significance of the colors and will check them against your listing and will post if I see any difference. Most of them seem to coincide though. In fact, what struck me was the significance of the colors here and in the Catholic Church are much the same. . Love to all, Mike . Note #31b, FROM: ROBERT THOMAS reposted with his permission. Well, here's the version I was trained with: Aries......... RED Taurus........ GREEN Gemini........ ORANGE and/or BLUE Cancer........ DARK GREEN Leo........... GOLD &/or YELLOW Virgo.......... WHITE W/ BLACK VEINS, MARBLED CANDLES Libra.......... LIGHT BLUE Scorpio........ PURPLE &/or BLACK Sagittarius.... ROYAL BLUE Capricorn...... BROWN &/or BLACK Aquarius....... ICE BLUE, PALE YELLOW Pisces......... BLUE-GREEN Hope it helps.... BBnL&L, Gwydion . Note #32...I wanted to talk about: Flame Dancing. I'm not sure you can properly call this Fire Magick, nor if there is another more popular name. It's actually like the exercise of Donuting Clouds, which I've talked about. And will repeat, in case you missed it...lay on your back, stare up at a slow moving cloud and 'stare' a hole through the cloud to blue sky. This is an exercise of the mind in patience and discipline. I believe Granny taught me Flame Dancing, for the same purpose. This is the act of staring (looking) at a candle flame (lamp wick, in the old days), if the flame is calm, make it flicker; if it flickers, make it calm and steady; ultimately, you will flicker, calm, back and forth AND THEN snuff the candle flame. YES! IT CAN BE DONE! Not always of course, but when the Goddess is Alive and the Magick runs High - oh yes! it CAN be done. But HOW to do it. I'm not sure! I seem to reach out from my chest with energy to manipulate the flame. At times, it feels like I've stepped from body and am myself the flame. I can explain it no better, I'm afraid. I can say this, I don't make any hand motions or anything or breathe, to have this occur. I can't explain what a good Christian, like Granny was; was doing teaching me such things either! I won't repeat the Fire Magick spells, mentioned in note #7. Fire can also be used as a scrying tool. Whether a leaping bonfire, quiet fireplace fire, candle flame or even the red hot embers...FIRE soothes and quiets the mind. You don't even have to work at it, just relax and stare deeply into it. Use Aromatic Magick by throwing on some cedar, juniper, or sandalwood and breathe deep. Not necessary, of course but VERY NICE touch! Breathe deep and relax and after awhile your Psychic Mind and the Unconscious will come alive. Troubles find solutions, past life memories walk once more, and even the future can perform there in front of you. APing is possible now, let your Spirit take flight, and soar. Let it go! And WALK the WIND! Fire is burning and destructive power. Give it your troubles, as in the notes thrown in. Give it your bad habits, your anger and hatred to burn it away clean. It is the Great Cleanser, empower it with your inadequate feelings and self hatred, your doubts and cares. . And a last word concerning CANDLE NOT use candles that are cracked. The energy with which you will be working tends to 'leak' through the cracks. However, if you have candles that cracks have occured in, do this: light another small candle and take the cracked one and slowly move it near the flame, along the crack. Melting and softening the wax in a manner that you can 'heal' the crack back over. Either melt it together and away and/or aiding it by pressing the seams together as you work it. As you work this, empower healing thoughts into the wax, and thoughts of 'wholeness'. . And last but not least: DON'T BURN THE HOUSE DOWN! . ^^^^^ . Note #33...starting the Water Magick notes. FROM: Lady RAVEN GRIMASSI *reposted with her permission* SUBJECT: FUTURE / note on Water Scrying... . This technique is a very ancient one, and common among Shamanistic Traditions. Divination is the ability to see what patterns are forming towards manifestation. What you "see" is actually what is likely to occur if nothing changes the pattern being "woven". Here is a technique which I teach: Pour some bottled water into a cereal bowl. Mix either a blue or a green food color into the water, so that the liquid is dark enough to hide the bottom of the bowl. At this point you have a reflective surface. Place two candles as your source of light, so that the light does not reflect upon the liquid (off a foot or two, in front of you should do it). Next is a series of hand passes over the liquid, slowly and deliberately. Magically speaking, the right hand is of an electrical nature/active charge, and the left hand is of a magnetic/receptive charge. Right handed pass will strengthen the image and left handed passes will attract the image to form. Begin by making left handed passes over the bowl, in a clockwise circle, just a few inches above the water (palms open and facing down). Stop, and gaze into the dark liquid, not At the liquid, but INTO the liquid. You will need to repeat these passes as you go, from time to time. Alternate between the left hand and the right hand. This requires patience, and time. Use your intuition as you sit before the bowl. Make sure the area is quiet and there are no distractions. Drinking some Rosemary tea, prior to Divination, can aid in the work. There are several herbs which aid the Psychic Mind, this is just one of them (careful though, Rosemary can be toxic in large quantities). Well, I hope this is of some help to you. Have a great Future !! . Many Blessings, . Raven . . Thanks to Lady Raven for allowing me to post her Water Scrying note. She also has wonderful notes on the Old Ways, under that so-named subject. WELL WORTH catching! . NOTE: the hand energies are what I describe as Projective for right hand in right handed persons; and Receptive in the left hand of same. Swith if Left handed. DenElder . Note #34 WATER Magick! In Note #8, I first touched on this subject: WATER Magick, sustaining and life giving; deep and mysterious; cleansing. Many uses can be incorporated with what type of water you have: pond or lake; stream or well. There is water scrying, and dowsing. Empower a rock with your cares and throw it very hard out into a lake or ocean, to take your troubles with it. Lie in a swift running stream to ground, and cleanse Self. Wash your troubles away! And who hasn't used a 'Wishing Well'? A Diana Mirror: go on a Full Moon night, to a still pond or lake, that reflects the Moonlight. Invoke Luna, Selena, Diana or any other favorite Moon Goddess, and stare into the bright reflection upon the black waters. This is good for divining, scrying, meditation and other works in need of connecting to Psychic Self. The old saying, that evil can't cross running water is true. I prefer saying negativity, myself but running water does indeed purify, ground and neutralize. So THAT's why I often recommend a shower! Raven's note talked of scrying in a bowl of colored water, however the first bowls of 'water', were urine and already colored and empowered with the person's energies. Of course, not always, and dyes or herbs, etc were used. Another common scrying and divining spell was 'spit'. Recently on Lonesome Dove, the cook had one of the main characters, spit on the wagon floor so cook could tell him if he would ever marry again. Actually, this is a an excellent means because again, you had water already empowered to the person. Most water magick is thought of as dowsing with a forked wooden switch, that is: the person walks around with the stick to find water hidden out of sight underground. But by now you can see, there is much more to it and that dowsing is only a part of the many possibilities. My parents loved to fish and I drove them quite crazy. First, I wasn't especially interested in catching a creature by the means applied. And second, it was more fun to just sit in the boat, dangling over the side to 'stare' into the water. One of the pleasurable memories I have is sitting and staring into ponds and lakes. Sometimes it was the plants, insects and fish. Fascinating! And sometimes, it was the sinking of the spirit, down into the water itself. Not a fearful thing, but a heavy feeling such as one feels under water. Somewhat the feeling as when one AP's but different. You can walk the past, see the future, see yourself in away I would describe as being able to step back and honestly see one's good and bad points realistically. And depending on your ability, you can stop the fish from 'biting'! Of course this can be done with running water, too. The feeling is different, then. Exciting and bursting with energy and life! Energizing and cleansing! This has got to be one of the most satisfying means of grounding away your cares, troubles and negativity. Water. Most of our world is covered with it, SALT water at that! Our body is mostly made of it, too; again SALT water. From water are we born, both as a species and as human babies. As we work to clean our precious Air, let us remember that Water is just as precious. . Note #35...We are born with whatever name that our parents or guardian sees fit to bestow upon us. Some of us legally change this mundane label to one that better suits our Self. Some settle for a nickname. Some then have a callname, such as once made famous by CB'ers, those using Citizen Band Radios especially truckdrivers who still use this important communication system amongst themselves. On the P* network, many use these 'handles', which are a fun part of the P* experience. Then we have those names, more seriously used amongst the Folk. More than just a nickname or handle, they are representative of how we and others see us. And behind these names are yet more names, at this level we get into more secrecy, more Magicking, more of Self that is taken out of hiding to share with others of likemind. To freely give another knowledge of these more secretive names, is an honor & vote of confidence that says - I trust you. So I start with the question - 'How do you guys find your names?' First realize that many here are still at the 'playing' level, taking a fun name. Which is fine! But here we want something that 'speaks' to Self, a favorite name, song or lyric, just whatever you like, and of course these can get changed fairly often. More seriously taken, you hunt more seriously & carefully for this name. It takes on a more deeper meaning, more spiritual, less easily changed at a whim's notice. Often it speaks of a hidden characteristic, to which we are addressing, true or not; but as Self perceives Self. But still at a fairly superficial level. Next comes the seeker of a more meaningful & Magickal name. Here, we mean business. Here we want something that more sincerely harmonizes to Self. This name is one used amongst your close group, be it friendly clique, Circle, or Coven. Many will have a name per group. WHY? For several reasons...among the foremost reasons being to hide your true identity. We have much to fear from those who think we are Satanists, crazies, cultist nuts, murders, etc. etc. If you don't know my real name, you can betray me, you can't hunt me down, or bother my family. You can't betray me. Yes, we are a suspicious lot but see to history to figure out why. Right now on this board, we have people being persecuted because they are not followers of JudeoChristianity. You also have people who say this is my name & my belief, thus standing up for their beliefs! Another reason for a Magickal Name, is protection and empowering energies. You hopefully share some of the energies generated by the name itself. Liking one's name, certainly makes you more positive about yourself. It can mean another layer to your protective shield by the imagery brought to mind. These reasons will change from one Pagan to another, remember. Now to me the most Magickal of names will be numerological correct. Now Numerology can be a very indepth field of study, one quite beyond this writer; however it is very simple to apply Number Magick to one's name. And in the next note, we will use Buckland's system to try and help YOU, find your name. more>>> Note #36...You now have an idea of a name you like, you're drawn to it, this is IT! Or is it? . 1) First step is finding your Birth Number. This is done by adding the date digits together, until you have a single digit, and THIS single digit is your Birth Number & often Lucky Number, as well. Zeros get dropped. It's VERY EASY! Our example: . (month, day, year) Sept.16, 1972 birthdate = 9 + 16 + 1972 = 1997 = 1 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 26 and 2 + 6 = 8 the Birth Number. . ^ 2) We now assign numbers to letters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The goal is to match a b c d e f g h i the sum of the name j k l m n o p q r numbers to the birth s t u v w x y z number, here it's 8. . ^ I like the name: F I R E B U G, which is the numbers: 6+9+9+5+2+3+7 = a total of 41 = 4 + 1 = the total #5. NO MATCH! But don't despair just change the spelling! Say we add another U which is 3: Then we have F I R E B U U G and 6+9+9+5+2+3+3+7 = total of 44 = 4 + 4 = 8. And a match of numbers. Sometimes you just need to be creative in your name spelling. But if I can do this - YOU CAN! . Your Birth Number cannot change, by aligning yourself with that number, you are sinking roots, stabilizing, take it as seriously as you did looking for a religion. And if another system feels better to you, do that one instead! Another thought to those into Crystal Magick, note in my posted files there has been a vibratory number, it usually ends the file; these numbers should correspond positively with the number above for a Lucky Stone. HOWEVER, numbers and I do NOT get along and this doesn't work for me, but it MIGHT for you... If you want to REALLY get into this, get yourself a translation of runes, then spell your letters in runes instead of our alphabet. Makes a great Magickal signoff to written spells, engraving candles, & numerous other purposes. To really drive a nosey person crazy, impose these types of letters ON TOP of each other to get a name, only a few symbols involved, they can be quite undeciphorable! And after awhile, that symbol can take on power. With closing let me advise you, the neophyte: do NOT ask another person their Magickcal Name. This is quite rude and as bad as asking them their Matron and/or Patron Diety's name. If they don't mind you knowing, they will offer, often as a sign of deep friendship, respect, and trust. To ask after a name used on the public board is different, it has already become public knowledge. (What an understatement!) And don't get discouraged, often a name takes a while finding you. Just take your time, be creative; no need to steal another's name. Then when you least expect it, there it is putting a comehither on you. And if you DON'T find it, don't worry. It's hardly the end of the world! . Note #37...From my glossary I pulled the following in, to get this note started: ALTAR: a table of sorts, on which is done magick. Sometimes round to Symbolize the Goddess, or square and represents the Elements. Best made of wood, and facing East toward the rising of both Sun and Moon. The left 1/3 is for the Goddess, center for both Diety and right 1/3, for the God. Suggested layout (S. Cunningham / Solitary Practitioner): . #1..................................................... .......Goddess Symbol......................God Symbol.. .........or candle......censor..............or candle.. ....................................................... .......water candle.........salt bowl... ....................................................... ........................Pentacle....................... ....................................................... ...chalice or cup.....offering plate......incense...... ....................................................... .......wand.............cauldron..........athame....... ....................................................... .......bell...........spell material......bolline...... ....................................................... . #2...(Cunningham is contradictory, note the two censors! so added the next from his writings, as another possibility.) . Goddess symbol flowers God symbol cup cauldron censor pentacle censor wand bell pentacle athame crystal bolline cauldron Now the question was, 'what's all that junk for?', which was sincerely asked and not meant scornfully. So I thought it was time to get into the subject because I think if you've been a Rambling Reader, by now you are ready for this. First off, YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE AN ALTAR!!! Remember, it's just another tool like everything else. NOR do you have to have it set up on a permanent basis. NOR do you have to have this fancy contraption with all the trimmings. That said, although your altar can be ANYTHING you have handy; I'm going to address the socalled 'proper' by the book type altar and 'what all that junk is for'. Remember YOU decide what YOUR altar is made of and YOU decide what materials and 'junk' go upon it and where these items are placed. If you are lucky enough to have room and a lack of nebby neighbors; you can set up outside. And for the outside altar, you could use a large rock, a nice big tree stump, or a cut log that has an end or side flattened out. Outside altars can be so very special, and to me are in a more natural setting for the Pagan follower. continued >>>>>>>> Note 37, part B. part B continued...For inside, you ideally are looking for a piece of furniture that LACKS ANY STEEL PARTS. It should be glued or pegged but you don't want bands, screws, or nails, etc. Brass is ok, but you don't run into that too often. WHY? Because we are dealing with energies. The energies you will work with in your magicking. The natural energies of items such as flowers, candles, crystals, etc. The energies in your tools that is stored, for directed during magicking. The ONLY metal you want around your altar will be from your knives, wand, sword, etc. But metal in the altar will be short-circuiting the magickal energy. Exceptable material that is NONconductive: brass, glass, gold, silver, stone, & wood. One of the best altar tops is one of marble! The shape can be whatever is convenient and will FIT! Too many of us just doesn't have much room. But ideally you want to think about your worship practices. A round shape is natural because of how we work in circles of magick and round spheres are symbolic of the Goddess. However, to those who Call Watchtowers, many of these Folk prefer a squared shape, since it works for their 'four corners' method. YOU will have to decide this considering what space you have. Right now, (at the time of this writing), I have a square topped 'cabinet' with an ivy circle stenciled on the top. And it's up against one wall. It also has doors that open in the front with shelves within, but I did make it myself (It looks it! Giggle!) This is why I usually don't use it but set up on the floor for rituals! But I've no room to do as I please. This altar is permanently setup though with some of the 'junk', I'll be discussing. By now you understand that most everything we do is symbolic; the 'things' and tools that we use are to aid our Unconscious Mind to do as we direct it. To make it understand or program it, to our desire. The tools that are used upon the altar, represent several things: the Lord & Lady, the Elementals, etc. Now, most if not all these tools are covered and explained in the Glossary, which I expect you to have by now. The list coming up, will deal with the symbolism that goes with the tool. We don't view Deity living in the altar or like the Goddess statue BEING the Goddess, these are manifestations & symbols... . continued on next note, #37, part C. Note #37, part C... LEFT THIRD/GODDESS SIDE: Goddess symbol: A photo or sculpture that represents YOUR image of the Goddess. Or a seashell, crystal sphere, decorative rabbit or owl, etc. or candle: represent Her with a green, silver, or white candle. water bowl: Water Element. chalice: Water Element, symbol of marriage, abundance, inexhaustible sustenance; as such could go in the Middle Section. cup: Water Element, Goddess symbol & of fertility. wand: Air Element. bell: Goddess symbol, also all the Elements. . MIDDLE SECTION/BOTH: flowers: Earth Element & Earth Goddess symbol. censor: smoke is Air Element, fire is Fire Element. red candle: besides making it handy to read by, if it's dark; this represents both Deity, Life, the Great Circle, and Magick itself. pentacle: Wiccan religion, 5 Elements; see Glossary. offering plate: Deity offerings as thanks for their presence. Herbs, flowers, spices can be used. cauldron: Symbol of the Goddess, Water Element, reincarnation, immortality, & inspiration. spell material: ingredients needed, self explanatory. . RIGHT THIRD/GOD SECTION: God symbol: statue or picture, or antler/horn, buck deer, ripe grains, bull or falcon statues, acorns & pine cones, etc. or candle: use a gold, red, or yellow candle. salt bowl: Earth Element & semen. (Salt Water represents Life.) incense: Air Element. athame: Symbolic of the extremes between positive & negative among other things, see Glossary. bolline: working tool to help prepare herbs, snuffing the candles. A candle snuffer could go here or you might centrally locate it. . KEEP MATCHES HANDY & something to put used ones in! . North: is home to stable, fertile, Earth Element, represented by a bowl of soil, flowers, or salt. The Power direction! . East: censor & incense, symbol of the Air Element, East is the direction of the Intellect. The direction of the rising Sun & Moon. . South: is the direction of strong, passionate Fire Element. . West: the emotional Water Element can be represented by the Water Bowl. Where the Sun & Moon set. . Now of course these are just guidelines, hopefully as you read there will be an occasional, 'Hey I can do that or this.' I like the ideas of using seashells for the salt & water holders. Others will use mostly candles, I use mostly herbs and crystals. Some want everything placed 'just so', others couldn't care less. Let your imagination and creativity take over! . Note #38... Sometimes I wonder just what the new reader to Wicca, thinks 'Spells' are. Do they think we are deluded Samantha's and Endora's? And excapees from Bewitched and Warlock and other fantasy shows and movies. Maybe they believe, we believe we can twitch our noses, wave our wands, and furniture goes dancing. It just seems that out of the readers and visitors, everybody has a very expanded thought on the matter. And I chuckle to myself, wondering at where such very strange thoughts came to them from. It just seems (to me at least), that common sense would TELL you BETTER. Obviously not. The highfalutin definition of a 'spell' is: "a magickal ritual wherein a person actively bends natural energies for a needed purpose." Or something similar. But all that means is that you have something needs doing, and you put your will power to getting it done. And if you DON'T have the willpower with help from natural talent, all the wandwaving, chanting, dressuping, won't get you anywhere! Except maybe in trouble! I still see subjects, 'Want a Spell for This', or a 'Spell for That'. Then these people wonder why nobody will answer them, get mad at being ignored. Well, TO THESE Sweethearts let me be blunt - if you knew ANYTHING about doing a spell, you wouldn't need detailed answers like you ask for. And since you DON'T KNOW this VERY basic fact, I'd be VERY surprised if a knowledgeable AND experienced Witch, would give you any help except to let you know your ignorance. And very likely, let you know in a rather rude manner! IF you ask such a question, YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS MESSING WITH SPELLS! But then I DO see somebody giving advise, read between the lines of this note and it's obvious what I think of them! You won't see any of the long time Witches/Wiccans bragging how they know it all. This is because we NEVER stop learning! So when some young thing comes along, pushing their self importance without caring what results, I suggest you not be stupid enough to take them up on their advice without checking about. Do they really know? Age certainly makes no difference! We have OLD FOOLS and YOUNG GIFTEDS. Just remember, YOU will be responsible for catastrophes, boo boos and uh ohs. If it's an accident or not, YOU did it. And though no other person ever finds it out, "What goes around, Comes Around." And to those fools, who are playing the bigshot - "What goes around, COMES AROUND!" And that is a most earnest warning... . Note #39...part #1. I would recommend to my readers, that once you get started & find this is your path...delve more deeply into the Craft than just Cunningham and all the bandwagon-writers out there. We have a rich history, dating back pre - Judeo Christianity. We have roots stretching to many countries. New is good. Experimentation is good if positively done. But there are so many proven rituals, & ways of doing things. Don't pass by this knowledge, it's your heritage & these things STILL work! You think I know so much, but I don't. I'm still learning. I just have the patience, time & willingness to help the new seeker. But Cunningham to Wicca is like baby food, at some stage you will very likely grow beyond this source of knowledge, looking for something more 'chewable'. I was raised among devout, faithful Christians practicing pagan exercises. I didn't have the opportunities to learn from those like Domi or Raven. I do now. Do not waste the chance you blessed Folk have. LEARN while you can from people who practice & LIVE a pagan lifestyle, no matter what tradition they follow. And while I'm at it, I want to comment on something else. IF IT HARM NONE, DO WHAT YOU WILL. I know by now you have heard this umptine times. You know that it means no harm to others or other things or even yourself. BUT I hope you don't sit there on your butts, letting this passively work in your life. YES, don't go harming things. BUT I think it also means you should get out there in this world and DO SOME GOOD! If you have read through all my notes, you are not a complete novice. Likely you have self-dedicated. Look at us! We are about CHANGE! We do spells to enact a change for the good or health of the need involved. Rituals exercise CHANGE! That is what we are about. Our existence is to CHANGE in our very Spirits! We can not sit back and do nothing. Not being who and what we are. Look around your world, and ask 'what can I do?' Visit a lonely person, read a book to a child, recycle news- papers, get out and rally. See? Some things can be so simple and easy they aren't thought of. Others are dramatic & even dangerous. Plant a tree. Many of you are school students. That doesn't excuse you from doing something. Pick up trash from the street in front of your house. Help a classmate study or just a friendly smile. Don't pour household cleaners down the drain. And foremost - take responsibility! You are old enough to know right from wrong. So don't blame the bar who sold you wine when YOU knew you shouldn't have it. Don't blame cheating on a test to the kid in front whose answers weren't hidden by their body from your sight. Don't do bad things because the other kids are doing it. Have some pride in yourself. Be honorable and trustworthy. I've seen many things reading the boards over the past couple years, mostly good things but we are human, too. So let me close by adding some thoughts of interrelating with other pagans: . Note #39...part #2. 1) What is right for YOU, may not be right for others. Don't press your own beliefs in a strident & argumentative manner that is detrimental to nerves and friendships. REMEMBER: you are dealing with people who are VERY sensitive! 2) Tradition is WONDERFUL! It gives roots & stability, however I suggest you not allow yourself to be so mired in it, that you lose sight of the fact that when a Tradition, refuses to change or bend, it soon will no longer exist. It will self terminate. 3) Who are YOU to say what is or is not tradition? Quite frankly, I make my OWN traditions, thankyou. And SO CAN YOU! Unless you come from Family Trads or have a person like my Granny, it seems to me that is what you have to do. Even this business with Gardner, maybe I'm wrong but sure seems like he took old and changed to make new. I think if it WORKS, then don't worry about 'tradition'. Just make sure it is positive magicking, and if you don't want to follow more traditional traditions, don't! 4) Don't be something, you aren't. First off, you're messing around a bunch of psychics, and trying to hide a secret from such, is like calling the hounds to a hunt! Or running from a wild animal. It triggers a response to 'hunt out' the hidden. I know several people playing games, exaggerating, etc. THAT IS THEIR BUSINESS, not mine. Listen to your inner intuition. Does it 'sound' & 'feel' right to you? And remember...YOU are the SUM of generations, of your upbringing & bloodlines. You are the SUM of what you remember of past lives, whether you consciously remember these or not. You are the SUM, of YOU! Do not doubt or question the merit of that sum! Don't let others PLANT DOUBTS in you of your own selfworth. 5) When you want to answer a question or add your 2 cents worth... do you know enough about that person to make an intelligent statement? You might know the subject at hand, but they don't or they wouldn't be asking. CONSIDER THEM! And consider that SOME questions deserve only SILENCE, as an answer! Don't presume to answer & correct your 'betters', that is; persons who have earned R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!! I often see neophytes who correct lifers in the craft and verify their answer with 'and I read such & such book!', or 'I know because I'm a college student!' You can just SEE these people puffing themselves up with self importance NOT REALIZING they are making total fools of themselves AND cutting their own throats by alienating a possible gold mine of help & information. And gently trying to point out their lack of tact or knowledge is USUALLY like spitting in the wind. You'll get it right back in the face. NOBODY, not even long-term practitioners - KNOW IT ALL! They will be the first to admit, they're still learning. 6) Do YOU have the right to push your own beliefs on somebody else? Good question for thumpers, actually! But anyway, SOMETIMES I think you do. Ex being: don't use ouiji boards; don't do negative spells; etc. HOWEVER, try to be 'nice' about it. NOT condescending OR belittling - 'hey stupid, everybody knows better than that!' That's exaggerated but you know what I mean. . Note #39...part #3. more of my OWN thoughts... 7) Not everybody is meant for group worship and involvement. I really hate it when somebody says 'covens are the only REAL way to do magick.' NONSENSE! In this day and age, practicing Solitary does have merit. I can't speak for in the past. And the worth of our many Solitaries, is their continued good works that float on the fields and winds. Groups are nice, especially when there is a great need; but they aren't the end-all of being a witch. . 8) I think and believe in my heart & soul, that if you are happy on your path. THAT is all that matters. Your positive exercises will show in good works & deeds and a fulfilling life. Sure bad things happen! Divorce, bodily deaths, accidents - but that is all part of the Great Circle, part of getting lemons. Those who practice negative magicking, might be happy but these things will catch up to them. They are just sitting there, a ticking bomb! Just a matter of time and - KA BOOM! . ******************************************************* I guess to sum all this rambling up (2 1/2 notes worth!), is that I hope you try and see the other person's side, be sensitive and polite. Don't stomp on others' emotions and feelings. Everybody says things thoughtlessly from time to time but I hope you strive not to. To think! And there is NO SHAME attached to making apologies. To admitting 'sorry, I don't know.' To showing tact, love, and sensitivity. To keeping quiet in the face of stupidity! There are MANY paths between Self and Divine, by whichever path you choose - be the BEST follower, you know how to be! And may the Lord & Lady always bless you. And may One Above All, always guide you. . Note #40...Tarot: pronounced 'tare oh' or 'tare ah', no 'T' on end. It's use as a scrying tool is ancient with much dispute over its origins. I will leave such delving of history to you & others. Tarot decks usually have 78 cards divided into 22 cards called the Major Arcana & the rest make up 4 suits of the Minor Arcana. To help understand the Minor Arcana think of: Hearts/Cups; Diamonds/Pentacles or Coins; Clubs/Wands or Rods; & Spades/Swords. These also represent the 5 Elements. Suits run King to Ace, with 2 (Page & Knight) cards for the 'Jack.' These have traditional pictures & meanings depicting the reader (querent) as the Fool traveling through life. Each suit has a meaning, the card number carries a meaning & ALL these meanings combine to aid you to divine. As in other scrying tools, the tarot does NOT predict the future. BUT allows for YOUR intuitive skills to manifest themselves in a way that you can be aided & guided by your own intuition. Aided in gaining a greater wisdom of the Great Wheel that you travel. Some keep Tarot limited to parlor tricks & games, this is up to you. However, if you're serious & Tarot seems to be your talent; then buy a set that 'speaks' to you, handle them daily, get some books & be prepared to LEARN! Try starting with a Rider-Waite deck to begin with because of the traditional symbolism present in these & copying decks. I like the set of Barbara Walker's Tarot Deck & book 'Secrets of the Tarot' because it will teach you origins & history as well as traditional meanings of the cards. And though it's NOT important to memorize every single card, it IS important to learn & understand the symbolism behind Tarot. After awhile, you'll be surprised at how you memorized the cards without hard memory work, it will come naturally. As in other magicking, exercises can combine - Tarot can (or not) be combined with Astrology & Numerology, for example. But to be expert, as with most things - study & practice and... * KEEP THOSE CARDS SCRYING!!! * BOOKS & SOURCES: The Mystical Tarot by Rosemary Ellen Guiley; Tarot for Your Self by Mary Greer, in fact ANYTHING written by her is good! The New Tarot by Rachel Pollack as well as her 2 vol. - 78 Degrees of Wisdom. P* Hobbies BB / TAROT BOARD. Mailorder catalogs: US Games 1-800-544-2637 & request a catalog. This one clearly shows card samples & for if you heard about a deck but haven't seen it. MANY deck varieties are available to you! Llewelyn: 1-800-THE MOON, has decks that US Games doesn't. Newsletters: TAROT SIG, PO Box 561, Quincy IL 62306-0561 - 6x/yr, $9. Mary Greer's: T.A.R.O.T, PO Box 720, Nevada City CA 95959 - sorry, I don't have further data on this. . NOTE: I, MYSELF --- feel VERY strongly AGAINST so-called Indian decks. Generally ripoffs, these range from quite offensive & inaccurate to interesting & inaccurate (including one NOT Tarot). IN MY OPINION these were developed to make-a-buck off the 'native' fad sweeping this country, I MYSELF boycott such decks, in sympathy & RESPECT to the REAL Native culture being exploited for greed. This is my opinion based on what I've read from Native American commentaries & personal belief. st use white or any other color you've got to visualize with for your need. And if you want to get elaborate, add crystals and herbs, your lay