Archive-name: vamp-bite ***Disclaimer*** .. This story contains some graphic material which may not be suitable for some readers ... You have been warned. -- Comments to: Posting - Go ahead, selling is a no no ... and don't be an ass and say my story is yours! --- Dan Rozon. The Vampire's Bite. Since it was a small building of which he was the landlord, Sam always liked to get personal with his tenants. Although, being 38 years of age, he looked and acted much younger than his years would suggest. Well built, muscular, and standing a little over six feet tall, he managed to keep his shape by working out often. His hair was a dark brown color, and he'd yet to have the unfortunate mishap of gaining any grey hairs. His face was a gentle one, which in some ways was a contrast to his bulking size. His eyes were sad, but he had a smile which seemed to relax people when they were around him. His wife had died some years before, from a blood disease that even now was still a mystery to him and the doctors, and with that, he was left a single man. Being handsome as he was, he had many opportunities to have himself coupled with another woman, but something had always held him back. Perhaps the fear of losing someone close and dear to him for the second time. Perhaps that, even in her death, he still wanted to be faithful to his wife. It was something he himself, never truly dwelled on, only that he had no desire to see another woman, sexually, or otherwise. So, it was on this friday night that Sam found himself in the elevator on his way up to the 6th floor of the 6 story building. A new tenant, a young woman, had taken the only apartment that was left in the building. Sam being the person he was, decided that he would pay the lady a visit, and so at 6 pm, he was on his way to see her. The elevator door opened and he stepped out into the hall. He turned left and began walking. On the ceiling he noticed one of the lights was dim and flickering, and he made a mental note that he would have to change it later. The walls were painted a fading red, which gave the place a dull, almost old look to it, but he'd never hand any complaints about it, and therefore never got around to repainting the place. He stopped at room 47, looking to his left, and right before knocking. To his surprise, as his hand hit the door, the door creaked open. Another thing to fix, he thought to himself. "Kristine?" He called out softly. He looked around the inside of the apartment from the door. There were black curtains over every window, and he noticed numerous candles on all the tables he could see. The only lamp visible was the one on the ceiling of the dining room. "Kristine?" He called out again, a little louder this time. He stepped inside the apartment, partially closing the door. Again he looked around the apartment from where he stood. The door he'd just walked through led into the dining room, which connected to both the living room and the kitchen by means of a door sized opening to his right. To his left was a small hallway which led to the bathroom, and too bedrooms. The doors to all three rooms were closed. He wondered to himself if he should look around some more. It was strange that the door had been left open, maybe someone had broken in and there was some trouble caused. he was unsure, and yet he did not want to invade on this woman's privacy. He decided that he'd best leave, and turned to walk out the door. "Excuse me," He heard a soft and feminine voice call out from his left. He turned to look. "Did you want something?" The woman just a couple feet before him said. He stood still for a moment, speechless. She was remarkable. She had large dark, almost black eyes, long straight black hair that trailed down almost to her rear, full lips which were formed in a gentle but almost seductive smile. She was about 5 feet 10 inches tall, and had a body men died for. She was wearing a black night gown, of which the front of was left open slightly, leaving a 'V' of her flesh to be shown between her breasts. Sam found himself gazing down the line between her breasts, then at her breasts themselves, at least what he could see of them through the night gown. "Sir?" He heard her speak to him again, and he broke from his trance. Blushing he looked up to her eyes. "I'm sorry, your door was open and ..." Before he could finish his explanation she interrupted him. "Was it? Would you like a drink? I just bought some red wine, and since you are here, we might as well get acquainted." She looked at him as if she were a sergeant in the army, inspecting his recruits. Sam again, turned silent. "You are the landlord right?" She asked. Immediately Sam replied. "Yes, yes I am." Then after a small pause, he asked. "You are Kristine?" She nodded slowly, "So do you want that drink, yes or no?" She said gently. "Uhm..." Sam paused a moment to think about it, I did come here to get to know her some, he thought to himself. "Sure, I suppose." "Good." She smiled and walked past him into the dining room and then into the kitchen. "Please, have yourself a seat on the couch, make yourself comfortable." Sam watched her as he walked into the living room. She took a bottle of wine from the fridge, the bottle was already opened, but was full. Then she got two wine glasses from the cupboard and turned to walk around into the living room. Sam sat down on the couch. That is when he noticed that many of the candles were now lit, but he made nothing of it. "Why so many candles?" He asked. Smiling, she sat down a little ways away from him on the couch, placing the glasses on the solid oak coffee table before her. "I'm not one for artificial light I guess," she said as she poured wine into the first glass. "I find candle light much more soothing," she handed him the glass, "more romantic too." she smiled and poured herself a glass. Sam looked around the room, it did seem more soothing then artificial light, he thought to himself. "Yes, I would say you are right." He stared into his glass, swirling the wine in it with a gentle turning of his wrist. It was only until she took a small sip from her glass, that he drank from his. He looked up into her eyes as she sipped her wine. Her gaze seemed to looking right through him, into his very being, his soul. She let the glass linger at her lips as she looked him over, a smile forming as she brought the glass back down. "So, what do you do?" Sam asked. "Me?" Kristine replied, as if there were another person in the room with them of whom he may have been referring to. "You mean as a job, right?" Sam nodded, and she paused a moment. "Nothing really," Sam eyes narrowed in surprise. "Well, my father was a very rich man and left his estate to me when he died." she finished. "I'm sorry." "Oh don't be," she said quickly. "He was an evil man." She looked up into his eyes. Sam shifted slightly, feeling vaguely uncomfortable. This was unlike him, for he was normally very good around people. He felt almost as if he were being hypnotized, staring into her deep, dark eyes. "You always pay a visit to the people in the building?" Kristine broke the spell. He grinned slightly, "I try to, I find that once you get to know people, it is easy for you to get the rent from them." She chuckled softly at his words. "You are a big man, you must take quite good care of yourself." Sam began to relax, "Well, I do weights to keep in shape, as well I find that I am able to work out my frustrations in a good work out, but I'm by no means a health fanatic." She smiled at this. "Yes, I love a good work out myself. Gets the blood flowing, kind of a rush." He nodded his agreement. Her skin, it's pale, so pale, Sam thought. As if she hadn't seen a day of sun in her life. He took another sip of his wine, and at the same time, so did she. "Are you married?" She asked in a typical, curious fashion. A frown formed on Sam's lips as he shook his head no. Kristine's look turned to one of apparent concern, seeing his frown. "She died?" Again he nodded. "A blood disease." "How unfortunate, she was a beautiful woman, I'm sure." She took another sip of her wine. "Yes she was." Sam could feel himself starting to relax, perhaps more than he should have been, but he welcomed the change. "She was very beautiful, even the day she died, she was still beautiful," he said, his voice true and sincere. He broke his gaze away from her eyes, and again looked her over. Her long black hair, her face... her face. The realization hit him almost like a slap in the face, the woman before him bore quite a resemblance to his wife. Of course, his wife's eyes had never been so dark, nor had her hair. Nor had she ever been so pale, except at the time of her death, but the face, the face was almost identical. "Something wrong?" Kristine looked at him oddly. "No, sorry," he smiled. Perhaps that's why I was feeling so uncomfortable at first, he thought to himself. "I just realized, you resemble my wife in some ways." Kristine smiled. "This isn't some lame come-on line, is it?" "No, honestly." He said, realizing how silly it must sound that he bring up now. "You just noticed this NOW?" "Well..." He looked down at her body suggestively. "Perhaps I was a bit distracted before." She leered at him, her eyes looking into his seductively, her lips pouting slightly, her head tilting slightly to one side, "Oh? And you aren't distracted now?" She shifted in the couch, moving slightly sideways. Like this, he could see the outline of her breasts better, her thin waist and long legs. He took a deep breath, and looked back into her eyes. Beautiful eyes, he could feel himself become lost in them. It was almost as if he were looking at his wife. For the first time in years, he could feel himself becoming more and more attracted to the woman before him. Upon noticing this, his first thought was to leave immediately, he knew something wasn't right, still, he felt drawn to her, trapped. "I guess you are." Kristine grinned wickedly, and took on a more natural posture, temporarily snapping the spell she had over Sam. "So, what about you? What do you enjoy?" Sam said after a pause. She thought for a moment, "Well, I enjoy writing, dancing," she paused a moment, "and a good fuck when I can get one." Sam almost jumped he was so shocked by her words, but when she gave him a big smile and a chuckle, he began to laugh. "Doesn't everyone?" he said after his laughter had ended. When he looked over to her again, he saw her looking at him in a seductive manner. He felt his heart beat speed up, his blood starting to rush through his veins. He looked along the 'V' of skin that was shown by the opening of her nightgown. She had turned towards him and placed her legs up on the couch, the glass she once held in her hand was now on the table. He watched her thin hand move slowly to her shoulder and remove the nightgown off that shoulder so that it fell open, revealing her right breast. Sam gasped, looking at the pale, rounded and firm breast that was within reaching distance of his hand. At first he felt confusion, then desire, a desire that he felt, was perhaps not entirely his own, but still, overpowering. "You want this?" Kristine said, as she removed the night gown from her other shoulder, the gown then falling down to her waist. Before he could think to answer 'no' he nodded 'yes'. He wanted her like he'd never wanted a woman before, and could feel his penis growing inside his pants, aching to be set free from its cloth imprisonment. He felt hunger and lust, he felt fear, the fear that for the first time, he wanted a woman, a woman he didn't know, but this fear only seemed to excite him more. "I thought you would," she said, leaning forward and taking Sam's hand in her own, guiding it to her breasts. Her skin was cool, unusually cool, almost cold, but to this he paid no attention. She let go of his hand, and he kept rubbing her breasts, teasing her nipples. She pulled his shirt free from his pants and then pulled it up over his head. The two of them separated for a moment, discarding themselves of the rest of their clothing. Sam goggled at the sight before him, never before had he seen a woman so beautiful, even in his younger years. She came forth into his arms, and kissed him hungrily on the lips, a kiss that he returned with equal enthusiasm. She kissed down his neck, sucking gently along the way. "Oh, God." Sam moaned softly, his eyes closing. He could feel her hands roaming all over his body, massaging, rubbing, sometimes scratching. His own hand were moving over her body, grabbing, and kneading her smooth, cool skin. He gasped as her mouth closed over one of his nipples, and the bit down on it. His hand slid between her legs, where he found the only place, next to her mouth, that was hot, and it two, like her mouth, was wet. He heard her moans and he slid one of his fingers into her, moving it around, exploring. Her mouth closed over his other nipple, licking around it, she could feel her own arousal growing inside her stomach, as he continue to play around between her legs. He was rubbing her clitoris now, and she could feel herself coming close to that magnificent stage, when she reached her orgasmic peak. But this would not be enough, she would need more, and she knew this. His hand slipped from between her legs as she bent down, licking and sucking all the way down to his crotch. He stood still, moaning and gasping, then rocking slightly. He felt her wet tongue run up his shaft, starting at its base and ending at its tip, then back down. She knew how to pleasure a man, her mouth slowly closed over the tip of his manhood, her tongue wrapping around it. She could here his moans getting louder, his breathing getting heavier. She went down on him, until the head of his shaft was almost choking her, logged in her throat. She swallowed, her throat muscles tickling his shaft. He gasped, grabbing a hand full of her hair. He was only a little less then rough, but she didn't notice, she was to caught up in her own ecstasy. Up and down, Up and down, she stroked his shaft repeatedly using her mouth. She could feel him twitching and throbbing in her mouth, but she wouldn't let him have his orgasm, not yet. She pulled his cock from her mouth, and looked up at him with a seductive grin. "Lay down," he heard her soft whisper. He was still shivering with pleasure, aching to release his pleasure. He felt her cool hand on his chest, as she pushed him down to the floor with apparent ease. He watched as she straddled him, guiding his erection to her wetness. She rubbed him shaft over her clitoris, small gasps escaping her, and then all at once, she sat down on him, taking him all the way inside her, filling her. He groaned in pleasure, as he felt her, hot and tight, around his manhood. She began to move, in a slow paced rhythm, stroking his shaft with her inner muscles, up, almost so that he slipped out of her, then back down. He began to buck underneath her, his shaft driving into her as far as it possibly could. Her movement became more fierce, faster and faster, harder and harder, with each stroke. He could feel his orgasm nearing. It wouldn't be long now. She bent down to kiss him on the lips, her tongue exploring his mouth, his tongue dueling with hers. She could feel him throbbing inside her. Soon, she thought to herself, soon. She was hot inside, her juices began to drip down her thighs she was so wet. Up and down, Up and down. Then she felt him explode deep inside her, scorching her with his hot semen. He gasped, as he began one of the most amazing orgasms he'd ever experienced. He body trembled, and spurt after spurt shot from him. So caught up was he in the pleasure of his orgasm, that he didn't notice the pain of fangs sinking into his neck. She gasped, she could hear his heart beat, beating hard and fast in her head, she could hear her own heart beat beating in the same fashion. Blood flooded down her throat, hot and thick. Withering in pleasure, she stroked his shaft faster and harder, her fangs locked to his neck. This was it, she thought. Then her orgasm began. Starting at her stomach, it passed through her entire body, like a hot surge of electricity, making her tremble. She throbbed around his shaft, squeezing and milking him of his seed. For him, the pleasure seemed endless, his body felt almost as if it were on fire, every part of his ached in pleasure, from his head to his toes. He felt as if he was filling her with his life, not just his seed. Her orgasm seemed endless, as she continued to drain him of both his semen, and his blood. The sexual pleasure and the pleasure of the blood filling her, warming her, both at once, was almost unbearable. He felt himself getting weak, his vision turning red, but the ecstasy continued. He hoped it would never end. Then his vision turned black. She knew it was near over. His heart beat was growing weaker, and weaker. When he went limp underneath her, she knew he was dead, but still, she took all that was left of him, draining him of both blood and seed, and then she collapsed onhis still warm corpse, exhausted. --==**ENDING ONE**==-- It wasn't until an hour later, when she was finally ready to move again. She looked down at the face of the corpse beneath her, and for the first time in over a hundred years, she felt remorse and regret, for having taken a man so true and innocent. She knew that had she not looked so much like his wife, she'd not have gotten this far, and that fact disturbed her. She thought of bringing him back, feeding him her cursed blood, but then realized that would only further his torment, for he would never again see his wife, being damned for eternity. With the proper burial, he would be with her again... She got up off the corpse, her body filled with its life, and after showering, she packed her things. She then left, leaving the door open so that someone might check in the apartment and find the body sooner than it might have otherwise been found. The next day, she was sleeping in her coffin, 400 miles away from the building. --==**ENDING TWO**==-- It wasn't until an hour later when she was finally ready to move again. She felt saddened that she had to take him this way, it would have been better if he'd have done it willingly, but she knew him too well. He would have never agreed to it, he would have tried to come up with a better way, a way to bring her back to him, that was not possible. She allowed herself to change back to her natural form. Her hair lightening slightly, her face becoming slightly less angular, and more soft-like. She thought of ways she'd explain herself, how she would get him to understand, then she looked down at the corpse beneath her and on her ruby lips, formed a smile. "Soon, we will be together again," she said to her husband. -- When Darkeness Casts It's Shadow Over You and Steals Your Life, Then, And Only Then, Will You Begin To See The Light. Have A Nice Day. -- Moderator, rec.arts.erotica. Submissions to Please, no reposts, first drafts, or requests for "subscriptions," stories, GIFs, or archive sites.