Though DCN will not itself provide a tent for local ritual and magical co-workings, it is inevitable that many who meet via DCN will wish to experiment and/or worship together. What individuals do in their own free time is their own business, unless it is something which can concievably have repercussions on the regional chapter, the national group, or abuses other members intentionally or inadvertantly. This is why DCN will be providing guidlines for mature, forthright, consensual ritual activities which if followed will reduce potential vexation and unforseen consequences.
Individuals who disregard these guidelines, as they are free to do of course, will face the consequences of their choices- which can include official expulsion from the network, if it appears politically / legally necessary and ethically sound. This process is mediated by the National Triumvirate, and of course with the advice of all relevant or appointed advisory DCN members. The National Triumvirate is not an inquisition however, and both discrete actions and unsubstantiated rumors will generally not be fret over.