OK, there's an unfilled niche. Darksiders who want to communicate with others of their kind, want to be provided resources, and don't want to deal with dogma of any kind. Why should we have to pledge allegience to a philosophy? Aren't we sufficiently independant to think for ourselves? To devise our own paths.
This is what I had in mind with DCN. An organization for darksiders based on utility, not dogma. A pooling of resources, asking relatively little from it's participants and providing much. An organization for darksiders, done in a darkside manner.
Many of us seek to collaberate and communicate with other darksiders on our own terms, but resources have not been provided for this purpose. Our dark paths intersect at DCN. We provide resources and a kind of community to enable us to advance along our own spiritual paths in our own specific ways.
I started DCN for largely selfish reasons. I discovered that not only other independant darksiders felt similar urges, but affiliated individuals sought to expand their resources even farther.
This is what I felt I needed:
DCN is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing these resources. It's organization is simple and not spiritual in nature. The triumvirate is not a spiritual authority, but a union of those who choose to serve for mutual benefit the local and national darkside community. A national triumvirate regulates local chapters which distribute resources to the national triumvirate and back to the individual members.
The authority of each triumvir is based on a group assessment of who seems best suited to the tasks of the position. The primary position is Regional Coordinator (RC), followed by Regional Treasurer (RT), and lastly the Regional Secretary (RS).
The Regional Chapter is to provide:
The RC, RT, and RS can appoint short term and long term staffs as needs dictate, all of which are to defer to the general authority of the entire regional triumvirate.
No preferential treatment should be given of one perspective over another- it is the reader/listener's job to be discerning, not the coordinators (as much as is deemed practical). However, some form of recommendation resource lists to guide people to reputable (not necessarily true) information will be provided.
To facilitate trust, as much of the Network's financial records and conference transcripts will be available to fellow members as possible.
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